Europaudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 71
28. september 2018
The Danish
response to the public consultation on the
stocktaking of the Commission's 'better regulation' approach
The Danish Government is a strong supporter of the better regulation
agenda and is actively engaged in promoting initiatives that bring about
simplifications of EU regulation and reduction of unnecessary burdens
and costs for businesses.
The Danish Government acknowledges that the Commission has made
significant improvements on the better regulation agenda since 2015.
We strongly support the Better Regulation agenda and believe it is essen-
tial in ensuring a transparent and evidence based regulatory process. The
application of the Better Regulation principles and toolbox is therefore
necessary for an efficient legislative process. In recent years, transparen-
cy regarding upcoming legislative proposals has been increased. We wel-
come this development and see especially the publication of Impact As-
sessments and the use of public consultations as highly useful. We there-
fore urge the Commission to continue and enhance the use of the Better
Regulation principles when presenting new legislation.
Although significant process has been made since the introduction of the
Better Regulation agenda there is still room for further improvements.
Businesses are still met with increasing administrative burdens form new
EU regulation and in some areas the Single Market is getting more com-
plex, which makes it especially hard for SMEs to expand across the EU.
It is therefore pivotal that the Commission consolidates and moves the
better regulation agenda even further by focusing on the following two
pillars that are elaborated below:
1. Ensuring digital-by-default EU regulation which is fit for the digi-
tal age, enables user-friendly digital public solutions and promotes
2. Reducing complexity by improving existing better regulation
tools and introducing new tools in order to ensure that a strong
better regulation agenda is the natural point of departure for the
next Commission.
Digital-by-default EU regulation