Europaudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
KOM (2018) 0640 Bilag 3
Mr Julian King
Commissioner for the Security Union
Inquiry regarding proactive measurements
in the proposal for a regulation on prevent-
ing the dissemination of terrorist content
Dear Mr King,
The European Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament has recently ex-
amined the European Commission’s
legislative proposal for a regulation on
preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online (COM (2018) 640).
The proposal’s subject matter is of
utmost importance to the security of the
EU member states at a time when new means of online communication pro-
vide still more ways of disseminating terror-related content.
In this regard, the Danish European Affairs Committee would greatly appreci-
ate some
clarification and exemplification of the introduction of “proactive
in the proposal, as an important aim of the proposed legislation
will be to counter online terrorist content using the most appropriate tools at
As part of the established political dialogue with the Commission, the Danish
European Affairs Committee would therefore like to submit the following in-
quiry to the Commission:
the European Commission elaborate on and exemplify the concept of
proactive measures in its proposal for a regulation on preventing the dissemi-
nation of terrorist content
online (COM (2018) 640)?”
On behalf of the Committee, I hope the Commission will be able to respond
to this inquiry as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
28 November 2018
Jakob Willum Slot
Committee Secretary
+45 3337 5553
The European Affairs
1240 København K
3337 5500
Erik Christensen
Chairman of the European Affairs Committee
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