Chairpersons of the committees from
national parliaments and the
European Parliament responsible for
employment and social affairs,
economic cooperation and development
24 September 2020
Enclosures: 2
Dr Matthias Bartke, MdB
Chairman of the Committee on Labour
and Social Affairs
Dr Peter Ramsauer, MdB
Chairman of the Committee on
Economic Cooperation and
German Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
Dear Chairpersons,
Dear Colleagues,
The completion of the European Single Market and the
deepening of global trade relations mean that the European
Union (EU) and its member states have a responsibility for
reinforcing the rights of workers in Europe and across the world.
The signing of the European Pillar of Social Rights represents an
important step on the path to greater equality of opportunity,
social protection and fair working conditions for workers in the
EU. With the European Commission’s
of a cross-
sectoral initiative on binding due diligence requirements for
companies throughout their global supply chains, the EU is
shouldering the responsibility it has towards workers across the
We would like to invite you, as chairpersons of the committees
from national parliaments and the European Parliament
responsible for employment and social affairs, as well as
economic cooperation and development, to the video conference
For a social and fair Europe
on 9 November 2020
In line with the work programme of the German Bundestag and
Bundesrat for the Parliamentary Dimension of the German EU
Council Presidency, we wish to discuss current issues in social
and development policy with you.