Contribution of the LXII COSAC
Helsinki, 1
3 December 2019
Appointment and work programme of the von der Leyen Commission
(1) COSAC congratulates President Ursula von der Leyen and the members of the college on the
appoi t e t of the e Europea Co
issio . COSAC o siders that Preside t o der Le e ’s
political guidelines contain a comprehensive and balanced agenda for the future. COSAC observes
that a of the age da’s ite s are urge t, a d COSAC’s e er Parlia e ts look for ard to
starting a constructive scrutiny of
the Co
issio ’s o rete proposals i the ear future.
Conference on the Future of Europe
(2) With respect to the Conference on the Future of Europe, COSAC observes that both the European
Parliament and the national Parliaments, as the democratic foundation of the European Union
and because of their respective institutional competences, need to be fully involved. COSAC notes
that the European Parliament and national Parliaments still have to formulate their positions, but
all expect a role in defining the objectives, organising and implementing the Conference on the
Future of Europe.
(3) COSAC expects that the European Parliament and all national Parliaments in the EU have an
adequate number of representatives with full rights of participation in the Conference on the
Future of Europe, including the right to make proposals.
Multi-annual Financial Framework
(4) COSAC calls for the timely and satisfactory approval of the 2021
2027 Multiannual Financial
Framework (MFF), recalling that late adoption means delayed implementation of the European
U io ’s strategi targets.
Critical policy challenges such as climate change and migration call for
collective and coordinated action, as no Member State can face them alone. COSAC stresses the
need for significant progress at the December 2019 European Council.
(5) COSAC observes that all Member States
ha e a stake i the U io ’s
strategic targets, which are
competitiveness, the encouragement of innovation, climate policy and biodiversity. A constructive
approach to the MFF requires that all Member States’
o i al udget targets are ala ed agai st
the expected benefits of mutually agreed investments in the future. COSAC recalls that agricultural
and cohesion spending are part of these agreed strategic targets and calls for proper attention to
policy detail to ensure expenditure levels
that safeguard the U io ’s ohesio , i ludi g its
outermost regions.
o ser es that adoptio of the MFF i ol es fi di g agree e t o a re ie of the EU’s o
resources system.
(7) COSAC stresses the need for new, objective mechanisms to protect the financial interests of the
Union when they are jeopardised by disrespect for the rule of law or where there is a systemic
threat to the values enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union. The new mechanisms
should conform to the Treaties, add value to and not duplicate existing arrangements. COSAC
stresses that the European Union is a community, where mutually respectful dialogue is the rule
and sanctions are only a last resort for when dialogue and preventive mechanisms fail.
Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law
(8) COSAC recalls that 2019 marks the tenth anniversary of the Treaty of Lisbon, and the entry into
direct legal effect of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Recalling that the Union is founded on