Didier Reynders
Commissioner for Justice
European Commission
Dear Commissioner Didier Reynders,
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your appointment as Com-
missioner for Justice.
A timely response to the challenges and seizing the opportunities posed by
climate change and rapid digitalization is of critical importance to ensure
a more sustainable and prosperous EU. Consumer demands play an im-
portant role in creating competitive, innovative and sustainable markets. I
would like to present you with the overall Danish agenda in your area of
responsibility, which I hope will be of interest to you.
Consumer policy applicable to the digital future
With reference to your statements in the parliamentary hearing, we share
your opinion that consumers should be empowered, properly informed and
encouraged to make sustainable choices. Over the past few years, Euro-
pean consumers’ consumption patterns and opportunities have been
changing. Globalization and digitalization have led consumers to act in
completely new ways, and consumers have been given a much wider
choice, which can be challenging to navigate on bigger and more complex
With the rapid digital development and the emergence of new business
models, it is important to ensure that consumer protection rules are fit for
the digital age. Although a political agreement on the omnibus directive
from New Deal for Consumers has recently been reached and progress
made on the proposal on collective redress, more needs to be done. When
developing new consumer policy, it is of high importance to continue the
inclusion of behavioural analysis and methods in order to secure that the
proposed regulation will have the intentional effect on the market and is fit
for purpose.
Strengthened enforcement with third countries
I have positively noticed that you have been tasked with ensuring con-
sumer protection within cross-border trade with third countries. This is
highly relevant as challenges in relation to consumer protection go beyond
the frontiers of the Union. In order to strengthen the cross border consumer
enforcement, international agreements with third countries should be ne-
gotiated. This has been made possible through the revised CPC regulation.
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