Margrethe Vestager
Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age
European Commission
Dear Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager,
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your appointment as Exec-
utive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age and Commis-
sioner for Competition.
A timely response to the challenges and seizing the opportunities posed
by climate change and rapid digitalization is of critical importance to
ensure a more sustainable and prosperous EU. I would like to present you
with the Danish agenda in your area of responsibility, which I hope you
will read with interest.
Maintain the core principles of competition
I have positively noticed that you have been tasked with the continued
strengthening of competition enforcement. Effective enforcement should
be a priority in all sectors and especially in the digital economy, where
technological developments challenge our market structures.
A fair and effective competition policy is a cornerstone of the Single
Market and a prerequisite to bolster EU’s global competitiveness in the
future. Thus, it is important to maintain and
relax the existing compe-
tition framework and the EU Merger Regulation.
However, I recognize the tendency towards increased unfair competition
and the need to react and safeguard European interests. The best way to
preserve fair global competition and a level playing field is through
common rules applicable to all, rooted in the WTO. Thus, it is encourag-
ing that the incoming Commission aims to make reform of the multilat-
eral trading system a top priority. This must include an update of the rules
so they address unfair market-distorting trade practices and reflect to-
day’s digital economy.
Therefore, we can agree that it should be assessed
whether EU’s competition framework is fit for purpose to address anti-
competitive practices. For instance, we do see potential in making it easi-
er for national and European competition authorities to respond more
swiftly to anti-competitive behaviour from platforms. We may also need
instruments to handle distortive behaviour from companies from third
countries operating within the Single Market without relaxing the princi-
ples of independent enforcement, free and fair competition.
Towards a competitive and climate-friendly European industry
European industry is a key player in restoring the
global competi-
tiveness as well as fulfilling the Paris Agreement. The upcoming action-
plan for industry should set a clear political direction with an emphasis
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