European Institutions
Conference on the Future of Europe
Proposals on how to involve national parliaments
The European Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament welcomes the
idea of the Conference of the future of Europe, and sees it as a central goal
to debate ways of making the EU more democratic. Increasing national own-
ership and understanding of EU policy is crucial for bridging the gap between
citizens and EU institutions. The Committee believes that this may be
achieved within the current framework of the Treaties.
The Commission has welcomed new efforts to enhance the engagement of
national parliaments in EU policymaking
– also referred to as ‘active subsidi-
As a contribution to this debate, the Danish Parliament would like to
propose six initiatives:
1. To the Committee,
‘active subsidiarity’
would entail involving national
parliaments at an early stage and going beyond the subsidiarity pro-
tocol of the Treaty. (National Parliaments often struggle with the cur-
rent public consultations, because the questionnaire format is not
well suited for general political input). National parliaments today thus
lack a dedicated channel to the Commission through which political
views may be expressed in a uniform manner. To facilitate this, the
Commission should prepare tailored consultation documents to na-
tional parliaments, covering all significant EU initiatives. A summary
of input received from national parliaments should be included in the
subsequent legislative proposal. We believe that this would motivate
national parliaments to be more active.
The European Ombudsman has pointed out the Council’s failure to
record systematically the identity of Member States taking positions
in the Council, including in its preparatory bodies. Access to such in-
formation would greatly assist National Parliaments in conduction of
parliamentary control of their own governments. Thus, the Council
should proactively make public all documents related to adoption of
20. december 2019
Iben Schacke-Barfoed
Clerk to the European Af-
fairs Committee
+45 3337 3357
Parliament of Denmark
1240 København K
3337 5500
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