Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 376
Zagreb, Croatia, 19 January 2020
CHAIR: Mr Domagoj Ivan MILOŠEVIĆ, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee,
Hrvatski sabor.
Deputy Chairman of the European Affairs Committee, Croatian
Hrvatski sabor;
Ms Satu HASSI, Chair of the Grand Committee, Finnish
Gunther KRICHBAUM, Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs, German
Guido WOLF, Chairman of the Committee on European Union Questions, German
Ms Mairead McGUINNESS, First Vice-President, European Parliament; Mr Antonio TAJANI,
Chair of the Committee for Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament.
1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
2. Approval of the draft programme of the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC
3. Debate on the draft programme of the LXIII COSAC
4. Approval of the outline of the 33rd Bi-annual Report of COSAC
5. Letters received by the Presidency
6. Any other business
1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
Mr MILOŠEVIĆ welcomed the delegations of the Presidential Troika of COSAC (hereinafter
referred to as "the Troika"), and outlined the agenda of the meeting of the Troika, which was
adopted without amendment.
2. Approval of the draft programme of the Meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC
Mr MILOŠEVIĆ outlined the topics on the programme of the meeting that would take place
the following day.
The first session would focus on the “priorities of the
Croatian Presidency of the Council of the
European Union” and would be presented by Mr Andrej
Prime Minister of the
Government of the Republic of Croatia.
The second session would deal with the European Union, national Parliaments and COSAC in
the context of the new institutional term of office, with
Ms Dubravka ŠUICA,
of the European Commission in charge of democracy and demography, and Ms Mairead
McGUINNESS, First Vice-President of the European Parliament in charge of relations with
National Parliaments, as keynote speakers.
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The Chair noted one change: Ms Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European
Commission, would not be attending, and Ms
would join on behalf of the European
The draft programme of the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC was approved without
3. Debate on the draft programme of the LXIII COSAC
informed the Troika members that the LXIII COSAC would take place on 24
26 May 2020 in Zagreb. The Chair outlined the four sessions of the draft programme.
The first session would be presented by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs in the
Government of the Republic of Croatia, Mr
and would focus on
the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the results of the EU-
Western Balkans Summit; the second session would deal with the Transformation of the Labour
Market and the management of demographic imbalances and labour mobility in the European
Union; the third session would address the distributive effects of the EU budget; the fourth
session would tackle the integrated maritime policy; whereas the fifth and final session would
look into the digital rights and responsibilities in terms of reconciliation of privacy and
Ms McGUINNESS thanked the Chair for the warm welcome. She noted that there may be a
need for a session on the future of Europe in the COSAC plenary, as it would be timely. With
regard to the item on the budget and Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), Ms
McGUINNESS noted that it would be great to have a speaker from the European Parliament.
The European Parliament had a position on migration, which could be an item integrated in the
session on the labour market as well as the budget, so a contribution from the institution would
be ideal.
Ms HASSI agreed that the session on the labour market could integrate an item on migration.
She also proposed to look at the climate economy of Europe, as this too was linked to many
items on the agenda, including the aforementioned session on labour market, but also linked to
the EU budget and to maritime policy. It would therefore be good to consider the transformation
into a green economy and integrate this topic in the agenda.
agreed with this, and added that even the Western Balkans could be linked to
climate issues.
Echoing Ms McGUINNESS, Mr KRICHBAUM stressed that the Conference on the Future of
Europe should not be underestimated, and noted that it would probably also feature on the
agenda of the meeting of the Chairpersons in Berlin.
Regarding the Hellenic proposal to put migration on the agenda,
Mr KRICHBAUM said this
topic might also
be on the German Presidency…s agenda, but
in that case it would go beyond the
figures and look at the reasons why people were migrating. Mr KRICHBAUM said that this too
was connected with climate change, as people moved to other regions following the
desertification of certain areas.
Cf. Letter from Mr KAKLAMANIS, Chairman of the Special Standing Committee on European Affairs, to the
Presidential Troika, dated 13 November 2019.
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acknowledged the link between the movement of people and climate change
and agreed that the topic should be addressed in the future.
Mr HAJDUKOVIĆ proposed to include the Council of Europe in the Conference on the Future
of Europe especially in regards to migration,
as the Council of Europe…s committee on
migration, and their special representative, dealt with issues such as the dangerous crossings of
the Mediterranean or combatting human trafficking.
Mr TAJANI stressed that the MFF was central to all these issues, because money was necessary
to work on migration, climate change, and terrorism. The budget was the picture of the
European strategy, and a debate on the subject would therefore be crucial for all parties,
including national Parliaments.
Mr MILOŠEVIĆ explained these issues would certainly be covered; he reminded
that Commissioner Johannes HAHN (Budget and Administration) would be present at the
meeting, and added that projections on the effect of cohesion funds on each Member State
would be obtained through Commissioner Paolo GENTILONI (Economy).
Ms McGUINNESS noted that Brexit was also important, and perhaps could be linked to the
Mr KRICHBAUM agreed with Mr TAJANI and hoped to finalize the MFF negotiations within
the Croatian Presidency.
The draft programme of the LXIII COSAC was then approved without amendment.
4. Approval of the outline of the 33rd Bi-annual Report of COSAC
outlined the structure of the 33rd Bi-annual Report of COSAC noting that it
would be divided in three chapters, with the first chapter focussing on the upcycling of the input
provided by Parliaments/Chambers in their responses to the questionnaire for the previous
report; the second chapter analysing and contextualising the ways in which national Parliaments
set their priorities and cooperate with Union institutions, advisory bodies and agencies; and,
finally, the third chapter would be dedicated to the role national Parliaments played when
contributing actively to the good functioning of the Union.
The questionnaire would be circulated in the first half of February, with replies expected by
March 9th.
The outline of the 33rd Bi-annual Report of COSAC was thus approved.
5. Letters received by the Presidency
referred to the following letters received:
- Letters requesting invitation to attend the COSAC meetings were received from Ms
Sigríður Ásthildur ANDERSEN, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Mr Hans-Peter PORTMANN, President of the Swiss EFTA-EU
delegation, Swiss
Assemblée fédérale;
Mr Tone Wilhelmsen TRØEN, President of the
and Mr David SONGULASHVILI, Chairman of the Committee on
European Integration, Parliament of Georgia. Mr MILOŠEVIĆ
explained the invitations
were sent to all four parliaments.
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- Letter from Lord KINNOULL, UK
House of Lords,
requesting a timeslot during the
meeting to briefly address colleagues on the occasion of the last time the UK delegation
would be participating at a COSAC meeting as an EU Member State.
- Second letter from Lord KINNOULL announcing the commitment of the UK
House of
to contribute to the co-financing mechanism up until the end of 2020, as well as its
wish to attend future COSAC meetings.
6. Any other business
proposed an exchange of views on two topics: possible change and updates
of the COSAC meetings to, among other things, involve and engage with citizens, and the
voting procedure used for the adoption of contributions and conclusions of COSAC.
He proposed the idea of having parallel meetings during the conference, and floated the idea of
having town hall visits with citizen involvement, which would also provide better media
As to the voting procedures, Mr
explained that the main issues to be resolved
were the majority adoption of individual amendments, and identifying what exactly should be
put to vote (i.e. amendments only or the compromise text).
Ms McGUINNESS, Ms HASSI and Mr KRICHBAUM agreed with the need to clarify the
voting procedure, and underlined the importance of refreshing the format of the COSAC
meetings and enlivening the debates.
Ms McGUINNESS explained that she would be mainly interested in just clarifying the current
rules. Ms HASSI agreed, adding that it would be more practical to just have the compromise
text voted on, but would be more logical to vote with a simple majority on each individual
amendment and then vote with a qualified majority on the whole text.
Mr KRICHBAUM noted how COSAC could at times be perceived as being too institutional
with discussions not always being fruitful, especially when delegations read out texts.
Therefore, encouraging free speech and real discussion was important. Mr KRICHBAUM was
open to the “town hall” idea, and extending the discussions beyond the plenary hall. He also
called for shorter contributions and conclusions to ensure shorter but more fruitful discussion,
while also reminding colleagues that a two-thirds majority was also an option when it came to
voting. Mr TAJANI underlined that while it was important to involve citizens, it should not
Europe…s model of democracy,
which was first and foremost that of a representative
Mr KRICHBAUM suggested adding the language of the Presidency to the three working
languages of the European Union to side sessions of COSAC and anywhere outside the plenary
where there was no complete translation regimen. He also suggested to look into alternative
forms of discussions, such as, for instance, the fishbowl arrangement.
Before concluding the meeting, Mr MILOŠEVIĆ announced the Croatian Presidency…s
wish to
finalise the migration of the COSAC web site to the IPEX platform, and added that an action
plan would be circulated within the Troika.