The European Commission
Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Mr. Nicolas Schmit
Shared EU and Nordic priorities for the future of our labour mar-
Dear Commissioner
Congratulations on your recent appointment as European Commissioner for Jobs
and Social Rights.
The Nordic Council of Ministers for Labour looks forward to starting a fruitful
and constructive cooperation and dialogue with you. We agree with you on the
need to develop an even stronger, more sustainable and socially inclusive Europe.
In order to begin this dialogue we would like to invite you to participate in our
next Ministerial Meeting on 2 April 2020 in Copenhagen.
Based on our Nordic Models and experiences, we would like to share with you
some priorities that we, with the respect of the division of competences and the
autonomy of the social partners, believe should be at the center of
the Union’s
A future based on social responsibility and fair mobility
Across the EU and the Nordic countries, the past years of economic growth and
improved employment outcomes have positively contributed to the overall well-
being of women and men. At the same time, the good years give us the oppor-
tunity and responsibility to bring more people into employment, not least by
equipping our workforce with the skills of tomorrow. In doing so, we would cre-
ate a more socially inclusive Europe
Based on our Nordic experiences, we look forward to continued cooperation,
sharing of experiences and good practice on the topic of labour market adjust-
ments, as well as on the broader issue of “the
future of work”,
including the
form economy. It is important to reflect on these issues in the years ahead as EU
activities should respond to the current challenges in our labour markets.
Labour mobility, including the free movement of workers, is of central im-
portance to
businesses’ access to qualified labour, preventing
bottlenecks and al-
lowing businesses to compete on a global scale.
However, in order to achieve a more socially responsible Europe and ensure the
continued public support for labour mobility, it needs to be
It is important to fight social dumping and abusive practices in the EU and ensure
a level playing field in the Single Market.