24. February 2020
Response by the Danish Government to the evaluation of the EU
competition rules on horizontal agreements between companies
The Danish Government welcomes the opportunity to comment on the
evaluation of the EU competition rules on horizontal agreements between
The following remarks are
aimed at the evaluation of the Commission’s
guidelines on the applicability of Article 101 of the Treaty to horizontal co-
operation agreements (the Horizontal Guidelines).
Defining the boundaries for legal and illegal agreements can sometimes be
difficult and relies on a case-by-case approach. In this respect, the Horizon-
tal Guidelines is a very valuable tool providing helpful and necessary guid-
ance to both the businesses engaging in horizontal cooperation and the na-
tional competition authorities when dealing with the legal questions arising
from horizontal cooperation.
Continue to ensure free and fair competition
Since horizontal cooperation often will take place between actual or poten-
tial competitors, it is crucial that horizontal cooperation respects the com-
petition rules in order to avoid negative effects for markets and citizens and
thus jeopardizing the objectives of the competition rules. Therefore, the
Danish Government do not call for a fundamental change of the Horizontal
Guidelines as we believe that free and fierce competition is the best way to
ensure efficient price-setting, choice and innovation, thus making Euro-
pean companies able to compete globally.
However, given the importance of the guidelines, it is essential that they
reflect new developments. Therefore, the Danish Government urge the
Commission to:
Update the guidelines in the light of the digital economy
New business models and new technologies have led to novel forms of co-
operation, thus making it harder for businesses
and sometimes the author-
ities - to navigate on what is allowed and what is not by the EU competition