Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 514
Zagreb, 27 March 2020
Dear Colleague,
I regret to announce that the LXIII COSAC, which was scheduled to take place from 24 to 26
May 2020 in Zagreb, is cancelled due to the global COVID-19 outbreak and consequences of
the earthquake that affected Zagreb on 22 March 2020.
My colleagues from the European Affairs Committee of the Croatian Parliament and I were
looking forward to welcoming you in Zagreb this May, where we wished to implement
certain changes to the format of the meeting of COSAC, as discussed during the
s’ Meeti g i Ja uary. Ho e er, the u precede ted circu sta ces e all face i
these difficult days, along with the damage inflicted to the premises of the Croatian
Parliament in the earthquake additionally limiting our capacities, leave us with no choice but
to cancel all remaining activities within the parliamentary dimension of the Croatian Council
Presidency, including the LXIII COSAC.
With the aim of ensuring that the COSAC remains a relevant forum of interparliamentary
exchange and a channel of communication with the institutions of the European Union, in
the coming days we will propose some form of electronic exchange of views to take place
instead of the meeting.
Dear Colleagues, please stay safe and accept assurances of my highest regards.
Do agoj I a Miloše ić
Chairman of the European Affairs Committee