Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 541
9 April 2020
Report on the comprehensive economic policy response to the COVID-19
1. The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes an unprecedented challenge with very severe socio-economic
consequences. We are committed to do everything necessary to meet this challenge in a spirit of
2. A coordinated and comprehensive strategy is necessary to deal with health emergency needs, to
support economic activity and to prepare the ground for the recovery. This strategy should
combine short, medium and long-term initiatives, taking account of the spill overs and
interlinkages between our economies and the need to preserve confidence and stability.
3. Several measures have already been taken at the national and EU levels, as set out in the statement
of the Eurogroup in inclusive format of 16 March. A subsequent letter of the President of the
Eurogroup of 24 March outlined further elements of policy response under consideration. The
European Council, in its statement of 26 March, invited the Eurogroup to present proposals on the
economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic within two weeks. Replying
to the Leaders’
mandate, this report takes stock of actions taken thus far and outlines a comprehensive and
coordinated economic response.
Coordinated actions taken so far at the level of the Member States, the EU and the euro
4. Since the onset of the crisis, Member States have continuously stepped up efforts to support the
5. A timely, temporary and targeted discretionary fiscal stimulus is being provided in a coordinated
manner. Significant public resources are directed to strengthen the healthcare sector and civil
protection mechanisms and to support affected workers and economic sectors. To date, the
aggregate a ou t of Me er States’ dis retio ary fis al easures a ou ts to
3% of EU GDP, a
threefold increase since 16 March, on top of the significant impact of automatic stabilisers.
6. Furthermore, Member States have so far committed to provide liquidity support for sectors facing
disruptions and companies facing liquidity shortages, consisting of public guarantee schemes and
deferred tax payments, which are now estimated at 16% of EU GDP, up from 10% on 16 March.
7. The Ministers of Finance stand ready to take further measures as needed, as developments unfold.
Flexibility in EU rules.
On 23 March, Ministers of Finance agreed with the assessment of the
Commission that the conditions for the use of the general escape clause of the EU fiscal framework,
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a severe economic downturn in the euro area or the Union as a whole, are fulfilled. This offers the
flexibility necessary to the national budgets to support the economy and to respond in a
coordinated manner to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall fiscal guidance will be
provided within this framework and as part of a streamlined European Semester exercise. We
the Co
issio ’s de isio to issue a spe ifi
temporary state-aid framework to
expedite public support to companies, while ensuring the necessary level playing field in the Single
Market as well as the recent extension of the framework to cover support for research, testing and
production relevant in the fight against the COVID 19 pandemic. We also welcome the
issio ’
guidance on the use of all the flexibilities offered by the EU public procurement
framework in this emergency situation, issued on the 1
of April.
Use of the EU budget.
We welcome the proposals by the Commission to make best use of existing
EU budget resources to fight the crisis. The proposal for a Coronavirus Response Investment
Initiative was approved by the European Parliament and the Council and is in force as of the 1st of
April. This will allow the use of EUR 37 billion under cohesion policy to address the consequences
of the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, the scope of the Solidarity Fund was broadened to include major
public health crises. Starting from the 1st of April, this allows the hardest hit Member States to get
access to financial support of up to EUR 800 million in 2020.
Monetary Policy.
We welcome the resolute action taken by the European Central Bank to support
liquidity and financing conditions to households, businesses and banks, which will help to preserve
the smooth provision of credit to the economy. On 18 March, the ECB decided to launch a EUR
750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP), to
expand the range of eligible
assets under the corporate sector purchase programme (CSPP) and to ease the collateral
standards. These measures are aimed at ensuring that all sectors of the economy can benefit from
supportive financing conditions that enable them to absorb the Covid-19 shock.
Financial Stability:
We welcome the guidance provided by supervisory authorities to financial
institutions on the interpretation and application of the regulatory requirements in the current
exceptional circumstances. We also welcome the release of capital buffers. To overcome the
financing pressures faced by firms and households, making full use of the flexibility provided for in
the regulatory framework is essential. We will continue to monitor closely the evolution of the
situation and to coordinate European and national measures. Where necessary, we stand ready to
take further actions, including legislative measures, if appropriate to mitigate the impact of Covid-
Additional crisis response instruments and preparing the ground for the recovery
12. At this critical juncture, we are ready to step up the EU response to support, bolster and
complement efforts made so far. We are committed to ensure the conditions for an adequate
response to the crisis in every EU Member State. In that context, measures envisaged by the
European institutions should be implemented in light of the severity of the economic
consequences of the pandemic on individual Member States.
EU budget flexibility.
We el o e the Co
issio ’s
proposals regarding the further temporary
flexibility in the use of EU funds, such as allowing transfers between funds, regions and policy
objectives, abandoning national co-financing requirements and supporting vulnerable members of
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society. This will help to mobilise effectively the EU budget to face the repercussions of the COVID-
19 pandemic.
Emergency Support.
We agreed that a dedicated COVID-19 instrument to support the financing of
emergency aid, through the provision of grants, is necessary, to first and foremost reinforce our
healthcare systems. In this context, we welcome the Commission proposal of 2 April to re-activate
the Emergency Support Instrument in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. This instrument can
at this stage provide support of EUR 2.7 billion from EU budget resources. Its firepower can be
strengthened rapidly, through additional voluntary contributions from Member States. We call on
Member States to explore ways to further reinforce the Emergency Support Instrument in the
context of the legislative process.
Strengthening EIB activities.
We welcome the initiative of the EIB Group to create a pan-European
guarantee fund of EUR 25 billion, which could support EUR 200 billion of financing for companies
with a focus on SMEs, throughout the EU, including through national promotional banks. We invite
the EIB to operationalize its proposal as soon as possible and stand ready to put it in place without
delay, while ensuring complementarity with other EU initiatives and the future Invest EU
programme. This initiative is an important contribution to preserving the level playing field of the
single market in light of the national support schemes.
Safety nets in the EU and EA.
Safety nets are in place in the euro area and the EU. In the euro
area, the ESM is equipped with instruments that could be used, as needed, in a manner adapted
to the nature of the symmetric shock caused by COVID 19. We propose to establish a Pandemic
Crisis Support, based on the existing ECCL precautionary credit line and adjusted in light of this
specific challenge, as a relevant safeguard for euro area Member States affected by this external
shock. It would be available to all euro area Member States during these times of crisis, with
standardised terms agreed in advance by the ESM Governing Bodies, reflecting the current
challenges, on the basis of up-front assessments by the European institutions. The only
requirement to access the credit line will be that euro area Member States requesting support
would commit to use this credit line to support domestic financing of direct and indirect
healthcare, cure and prevention related costs due to the COVID 19 crisis. . The provisions of the
ESM Treaty will be followed. Access granted will be
2% of the respe ti e Me er’s GDP as of e d-
2019, as a benchmark. With a mandate from the Leaders, we will strive to make this instrument
available within two weeks, while respecting national procedures and constitutional requirements.
The credit line will be available until the COVID 19 crisis is over. Afterwards, euro area Member
States would remain committed to strengthen economic and financial fundamentals, consistent
with the EU economic and fiscal coordination and surveillance frameworks, including any flexibility
applied by the competent EU institutions. The Balance of Payments Facility can provide financial
support to Member States that have not adopted the euro. It should be applied in a way which
duly takes into account the special circumstances of the current crisis.
In the spirit of solidarity and in light of the exceptional nature of the COVID -19 crisis, we
agree on the need to establish, for the duration of the emergency, a temporary loan-based
instrument for financial assistance under Article 122 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union. We strive to make the instrument operational as soon as possible. In this context,
we welcome the Commission proposal of 2 April to set-up a temporary instrument supporting
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Member States to protect employment in the specific emergency circumstances of the COVID-19
crisis. It would provide financial assistance during the time of the crisis, in the form of loans granted
on favourable terms from the EU to Member States, of up to EUR 100 billion in total, building on
the EU budget as much as possible, while ensuring sufficient capacity for Balance of Payments
support, and on guarantees provided by Member States to the EU budget. The instrument could
primarily support the efforts to protect workers and jobs, while respecting the national
competences in the field of social security systems, and some health-related measures. This
proposal should be taken forward without delay in the legislative process.
The Me er States’
position on this emergency instrument does not pre-judge the position on future proposals related
to unemployment insurance. Consistent with its legal basis, access to the instrument will be
discontinued once the COVID-19 emergency has passed.
18. We agree that a coherent strategy in the EU is needed to support Member States’ efforts to return
to a normal functioning of our societies and economies and to promote a relaunch of economic
activity and investment to ensure sustainable growth.
Recovery Fund.
In this context, we also agreed to work on a Recovery Fund to prepare and support
the recovery, providing funding through the EU budget to programmes designed to kick-start the
economy in line with European priorities and ensuring EU solidarity with the most affected
member states. Such a fund would be temporary, targeted and commensurate with the
extraordinary costs of the current crisis and help spread them over time through appropriate
financing. Subject to guidance from Leaders, discussions on the legal and practical aspects of such
a fund, including its relation to the EU budget, its sources of financing and on innovative financial
instruments, consistent with EU Treaties, will prepare the ground for a decision
Upcoming MFF.
The next EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) will play a central role in the
economic recovery. It will have to reflect the impact of this crisis and the size of the challenges
ahead, by setting the right priorities, to allow Member States to effectively address the fallout of
the coronavirus crisis, to support the economic recovery, and ensure that cohesion within the
Union is maintained through solidarity, fairness and responsibility.
We el o e the Co
issio ’s
intention to adapt its MFF proposal to reflect the new situation and outlook.
Roadmap for Recovery.
Work is ongoing on a broader Roadmap and an Action Plan to support the
recovery of the European economy through high quality job creation and reforms to strengthen
resilience and competitiveness, in line with a sustainable growth strategy. It should put in place
the conditions to relaunch our economies whilst promoting economic convergence in the EU and
reducing any fragmentation resulting from the crisis, including through the rapid restoration of the
full functionality of the Single market. The President of the Commission and the President of the
European Council, in consultation with other institutions, including the ECB, have started work to
this end. The Eurogroup stands ready to contribute and support this endeavour.
22. Today we are engaged in an effort to safeguard the health and lives of European citizens and to
tackle the immediate economic challenge. This includes the fiscal means Member States need to
finance the necessary measures. The recovery of the European economy poses a big challenge. We
will act together in solidarity and we will deliver. This includes the necessary progress in
strengthening the European Union.
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Next steps
23. The Eurogroup will pursue the work needed taking into account the intention of the Council
Presidency to take the legislative proposals forward without delay.