Valdis Dombrovskis
Executive Vice-President for An Economy that Works for People and
Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital
Markets Union
European Commission
Dear Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
The Danish government welcomes the opportunity to respond to the
European Commission’s consultation on crypto-assets in the European
Union. It is very timely that we proceed with setting out a common
framework on this important subject.
Overall, legislation on crypto-assets must first of all ensure an effective
consumer and investor protection. Preventing fraudulent activities and
ensuring market integrity is crucial to take into account in relation to
crypto-assets. Furthermore, such regulation should also consider the risks
of crypto-assets, including in particular those related to money laundering.
The regulation should furthermore strike the right balance to ensure
financial stability and at the same time allow for innovation.
Moreover, due to the fast-paced development of crypto-asset business
models, it is important that new legislation gives the necessary clarity for
consumers and financial actors.
In order to facilitate this, it will be necessary to establish a new regulatory
regime. Crypto-assets are cross border in nature and should thus be
regulated at a European level. At the same time, we should prioritize
amending current legislation, where it makes sense to expand the current
legislative framework in scope to include crypto-assets. This is the case
with e.g. the E-Money Directive (EMD2).
Level playing field
A common regulatory framework should ensure a level playing field
between traditional providers of financial services, such as credit
institutions, and other service providers not currently regulated, but using
crypto-assets as a financial product.
Ensuring a level playing field contributes to maintaining well-functioning
financial markets with the same degree of consumer protection, trust in
market functions and financial stability.
At the moment, crypto-assets can be designed to mimic financial products,
such as stocks, but still evade existing financial regulation and rules on
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