Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 585
European Affairs Committee
of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
April 16, 2020
Statement by the Chairmanship of the
European Affairs Committee
of the National
Council of the Slovak Republic
The pandemic of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) poses an unprecedented threat to
the European Union and its Member States, threatening the life, health and safety of citizens of
all EU member-states. At the same time, it threatens the European economy and, ultimately, the
integration project.
The only effective solution to the current crisis is through joint and targeted measures to
combat the pandemic and mitigate its socio-economic consequences. Close cooperation between
the Member States of the European Union, flexibility and above all, solidarity, which underpins
the co-existence of the Member States, will be crucial.
While all EU countries, including Slovakia, have been affected by the pandemic, the crisis
has struck some EU countries more than other. As we mitigate its consequences, it is essential to
support those Member States, whose healthcare systems are most vulnerable and under the highest
We appreciate the concrete expressions of European solidarity between the Member States
of the European Union, such as the treatment of patients from the other Member States who
require intensive healthcare or cross-border supplies of medicaments and personal protective
equipment. These expressions of solidarity make a significant contribution to restoring a sense of
mutual belonging among European nations.
Given the above above, we consider it essential that the Government of the Slovak
Republic also helps those Member States of the European Union that need help the most, as they
find themselves in an emergency and critical situation caused by the spread of the pandemic. In
this context, we recommend that the Government of the Slovak Republic implement its planned
aid delivery as promptly as possible, and that it also consider extending the offer to other countries,
while ensuring that needs of Slovak citizens are looked after.
In this context, we also recommend the Government of the Slovak Republic cooperate
with the European Commission and take advantage of the opportunity offered by the European
Union Civil Protection Mechanism and its Emergency Response Coordination Centre, which
plays a crucial role in civil protection in the European Union.
Tomáš Valášek
Chairman of the
Zita Pleštinská
Vice-Chair of the
Peter Kmec
Vice-Chair of the