Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 653
Valdis Dombrovskis
Executive Vice-President for An Economy that Works for People and
Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital
Markets Union
European Commission
Dear Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis
The Danish government welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Euro-
pean Commission’s consultation regarding the review of the MiFID
II/MiFIR regulatory framework.
Generally, it is important to maintain and increase confidence in financial
markets, including to improve investor protection, and to foster competi-
tion among market players to the benefit of investors and firms that need
access to capital. The MIFID II/MIFIR regime contains many important
measures in this regard.
However, experience has shown that there is still a risk of regulatory arbi-
trage and non-harmonised application, which harm transparency for inves-
tors and market integration efforts. Considering this and the short time
since the last review was concluded, we recommend a targeted review ad-
dressing specific shortcomings and unintended or overlapping interactions
with existing or new regulations, based on thorough impact assessments to
ensure a framework fit-for-purpose.
Overall, we recommend the Commission to look at solutions to further
strengthening transparency and investor protection, especially in the fol-
lowing four areas.
1. Investor protection
Transparency, comparability and access to adequate information is crucial,
allowing investors to make informed investment decisions. However, given
the nature of products and market developments we believe it is equally
important to continue to ensure that only suitable products are distributed
to retail investors, thereby avoiding misconduct or misselling of products.
Moreover, we stress that quality, not quantity of available information to
the intended segment of investors and efficiency in the system is highly
relevant to activate participation of stakeholders.
Furthermore, based on our experience,
we suggest that the Commission
adjust and clarify certain requirements to the rules regarding third party
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[email protected]
Report is only available in Danish.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 653: Notat og høringssvar vedr. EU-Kommissionens offentlige høring om MiFID II/MiFIR
payments (inducements), without revisiting the full regime. This could en-
sure that information on inducements (costs) and the quality enhancing ser-
vices provided is more transparent to and easily understandable for inves-
2. Technology and digitalisation
Given the increased use of technology and digitalisation in this space, with
possible disruptive effects, the regulation should include future-proof solu-
tions that allow for use and adaptation to the best possible technological
solutions available while ensuring adequate risk mitigation processes so the
goals of the rules continue to be met, including investor protection.
3. Trade transparency
Based on our experience there are still challenges with pre- and post-trade
transparency, mainly due to continued trading outside of lit markets, frag-
mented data and poor data quality. Furthermore, for non-equity instruments
the extensive use of optional national discretions challenge the level play-
ing field.
4. Market data and Consolidated Tape
In the complex discussions with regard to fair pricing of real-time market
data and consolidated tape, the main issue should be to ensure legal clarity
in the current pricing rules. A trading venue should be able to include a fair
amount of the costs for market data as well as general costs in the price to
ensure a reasonable balance between data quality and fair competition.
While access to information is important, we are skeptical towards the fea-
sibility of a fully-fledged, real-time consolidated tape due to its complexity,
data issues and costs. Assembling high quality market data on post-trade
information on all financial instruments seems to be a more viable option.
In conclusion, we strongly support the overall MIFID/MiFIR-regime and
the aim of achieving even more transparent trading and information to in-
vestors. We look forward to contributing actively to the revision process.
Attached please find our specific replies to the consultation document. As
always, I am at your disposal should you have any questions or comments.
Yours sincerely,
Simon Kollerup