29. June 2020
Inception Impact Assessment for a New Competition Tool (‘NCT’).
Danish Comments.
The Danish Government appreciates the opportunity to comment on the EU
Commission’s Inception
Impact Assessment for a New Competition Tool
The Danish Government supports the general objective of the proposed
legislative initiative, which consists in ensuring fair and undistorted com-
petition in the single market. We believe that a fair and effective competi-
tion policy is a cornerstone of the single market and a pre-requisite to bol-
ster EU global competitiveness in the future.
Furthermore, the Danish Government considers the current competition
framework effective in terms of handling anti-competitive behaviors in the
platform economy, but recognizes that there is a need to update elements
of the competition framework in order to ensure even stronger enforcement
in the digital age. In this sense, it is important to evaluate the opportunity
to introduce policy options beyond traditional competition rules, especially
when the existing legal framework is considered insufficient in term of han-
dling the emergence of new structural competition problems, or at least to
address them in an effective manner.
However, the Danish Government highlights the need to prevent overlaps
between traditional competition enforcement, ex ante regulatory frame-
work and the New Competition Tool. Therefore, the Commission should
make clear in the impact assessment
there are overlaps and
exist. The Commission should also put forward suggestions on how to
solve those overlaps and be willing to abandon one or more of the initia-
tives. In this regard, the Danish Government highlights the need for careful
coordination between the impact assessments led by DG GROW, DG
The Danish Government perceives the proposed New Competition Tool as
a substantial innovation in the enforcement of EU competition law, as the
Commission would be able to intervene
ex ante
against certain market