Berlin, 6 July 2020
Dietmar Nietan, MdB
Head of the German Delegation
to the IPC for the CFSP and CSDP
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to invite you to the Inter-Parliamentary Conference
for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common
Security and Defence Policy, due to take place as a video conference
on 4 September 2020.
I would very much have liked to have welcomed you in person
to the Reichstag Building, the seat of the German Parliament.
However, at the German Bundestag we are in agreement that in
light of the COVID-19 pandemic this would not have been a
responsible course of action. While this is regrettable, I am all the
more certain that it is the right decision at the current time.
Nonetheless, I would like to make it possible for us to discuss the
latest foreign, security and defence policy developments, which
do not stop despite the pandemic and demand our urgent
We have planned two blocks of meetings lasting two hours each.
The first block will provide an opportunity for an exchange of
views with the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy, Mr Josep Borrell i Fontelles. The second block is
dedicated to European defence policy. Attached you find further
information on the programme and technical details.
I hope you are able to take part, and send you my very best regards at
what is undoubtedly a challenging time in every respect.
Yours sincerely,