Europaudvalget 2019-20
EUU Alm.del Bilag 928
D 201864 30.07.2020
IPOL-COM-LIBE D(2020)22576
To the Chairperson(s) of the committee(s) concerned
Subject: JPSG - Draft agenda, invitation for the Europol JPSG meeting on 28/29
September 2020
Dear Chair,
In the framework provided by Article 51 of the Europol Regulation EU 2016/794, we are
pleased to invite you to the
Seventh Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on
which will take place on
28 and 29 September 2020.
Due to the measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic, exceptionally the meeting will take
place by remote participation.
The remote character of the meeting and the ensuing
limitations are reflected as well in the draft agenda of the meeting.
The meeting will tackle a number of concrete issues directly arising from the JPSG prerogatives
according to Article 51 of the Europol Regulation, including a presentation by Ms Catherine
DE BOLLE, Europol Executive Director, as well as a keynote speech by Mr Horst SEEHOFER,
Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community, Germany, and President-in-Office
of Home Affairs Council of the EU, Council Presidency and Ms Ylva JOHANSSON, EU
Commissioner for Home Affairs, on the future role of Europol and Brexit related challenges.
The thematic debate will focus on the fight against right-wing extremism and terrorism.
Please find attached the draft agenda of the meeting as agreed by the Presidential Troika of this
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 928: Invitation til 7. møde i den fælles parlamentariske følgegruppe vedr. Europol den 28-29/9-20 i Bruxelles
Written questions
According to Article 4.2 of the JPSG Rules of Procedure, we kindly draw your attention to the
right to address oral and written questions to Europol. As Europol needs six weeks in order to
prepare replies to written question, we would like to ask you to
submit your written questions
to the JPSG Secretariat
by 7 August 2020 at the latest.
This will allow for the replies to be
available in time for the seventh JPSG meeting.
Europol’s multiannual programming document 2021-2023
Pursuant to Article 51 paragraph 2 point c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/794, the JPSG is consulted
Europol’s multiannual programming document 2021-2023.
Please find attached the
draft document for consultation. If they wish so, delegations are invited to send to the JPSG
Secretariat written comments to the document ahead of the meeting
by 7 September 2020.
Due to limited time available for the meeting, there will be no debate on this point on the agenda,
but the Executive Director of Europol will be asked to react to the received written comments.
General aspects
We would like to recall that your Parliament/Chamber can be represented by up to four
Members in the JPSG (in the case of bicameral Parliaments each Chamber with up to two
Members each). Members and their delegations will be asked to register for the meeting.
The remote character of the meeting will allow only for a limited interpretation regime. The
languages for which interpretation will be provided will be specified ahead of the meeting.
According to Article 4.3 of the JSPG Rules of Procedure, the working languages of the JPSG
are English and French, therefore we would like to ask the delegations to submit all written
questions, written comments or contributions in one of these two languages. Please send them
to the JPSG Secretariat
[email protected]
and a copy to the German
Presidency Parliament
[email protected]
All documents submitted by Europol for the meeting in line with Article 51.3 of the Europol
Regulation, as well as all contributions by the delegations to the JPSG and other relevant
documents will be published on the
IPEX JPSG website
ahead of the meeting and distributed
to delegations by e-mail.
EUU, Alm.del - 2019-20 - Bilag 928: Invitation til 7. møde i den fælles parlamentariske følgegruppe vedr. Europol den 28-29/9-20 i Bruxelles
Further practical details, including registration and connection information, will be forwarded
in due course to your Parliament's services responsible for relations with the European
Yours sincerely,
Mr Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR
Co-Chair of the JPSG
Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice
and Home Affairs European Parliament
Ms Susanne MITTAG
Co-Chair of the JPSG
Head of the German Bundestag Delegation to the JPSG
Co-Chair of the JPSG
Head of the German Bundesrat Delegation to the JPSG
Minister for Internal Affairs and Sport of the German State of Lower Saxony
Annex 1: Draft agenda of the Seventh meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on
the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol)
Annex 2: Draft Europol Multiannual Programming Document 2021-2023