Europaudvalget 2020-21
EUU Alm.del Bilag 158
The President
To His/Her Excellency
The President,
Dear Colleague,
On the 1
of January 2021, Portugal will celebrate both its 35
anniversary year of membership in the European Union
(EU) and the first day holding its fourth Presidency of the Council of the EU.
As the world takes stock of the wide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Europe must provide a structured and
supportive path forward, while addressing preexisting priorities and challenges.
Extraordinary times require extraordinary actions and tools. We, in the EU, must lead the way, with urgency and
purpose, by doing more and doing better for the sake of both our citizens and of those who have chosen the EU to live,
study and work.
Democratic and plural debates between legislators are now needed more than ever. This is the reason why
parliamentarians all over the EU have decided to resort to new technologies in order to continue meeting and debating
the current situation and possible ways forward.
Therefore, together with my colleagues from Germany and Slovenia, the current Trio of Presidencies has set forth a
bold agenda, focused on a swift, resilient and cohesive recovery from the crisis, while also promoting debate on a more
green, digital, global and socially inclusive Europe.
Over the next months, the
Assembleia da República
will host COSAC and, together with the European Parliament, will
co-chair the Interparliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security
and Defence Policy, the Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union, and
the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol.
The Portuguese Parliament will also invite Your Excellency to join to four additional Conferences: a Conference related
to COVID-19: impact on Health and Social Dimension, a Conference on the EU's Biodiversity Strategy for 2030:
bringing nature back to our lives, a Conference on Rural Development and a Conference on the role of parliaments in
deepening the EU-Africa relationship.
Ass emb l e ia d a R e púb l i ca |
Th e P r esi d e nt´ s C a bi n et
S ã o Be nto
Pala ce | 1 24 9 -0 68 L isb o a | P O RT U GA L
T . +3 51 21 3 919 267 | E . GA BPA R . Cor r ei o@ a r. p arl am en t o . pt
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 158: Brev fra formanden for det portugisiske parlament om den parlamentariske dimension af det portugisiske formandskab 1. halvår 2021
Our focus will be fivefold: a resilient Europe, a social Europe, a green Europe, a digital Europe, and a global Europe.
Furthermore, issues related to overcome COVID-19 crisis and strengthen EU and Member-States cooperation, asylum
and migration, democracy and the future of Europe, as well as the Africa-EU partnership will also have a relevant focus
on our agenda.
Please find herewith the provisional calendar of planned meetings and conferences to be held during the 1
of 2021.
We hope to welcome in Lisbon as many delegations as possible from EU national parliaments and the European
Parliament. This, however, depends on the evolution of the pandemic across Europe. If needed, meetings will be held
remotely, through videoconference, or in a hybrid setting, with some delegations participating from Lisbon.
No matter the format, we are fully committed with furthering interparliamentary cooperation, since dialogue is key in
finding common solutions to common problems. We hope that, by providing a platform for Parliaments and their
representatives to exchange views and ideas on these pressing issues, the long-term resilience of our shared values and
future will be further improved.
I look forward to welcoming in Lisbon the Delegations of the Parliament to which Your Excellency presides. I wish
them fruitful discussions during the upcoming semester.
With the assurances of my highest consideration,
Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues
President of the
Assembleia da República
São Bento
Palace, 4 December 2020
Ass emb l e ia d a R e púb l i ca |
Th e P r esi d e nt´ s C a bi n et
S ã o Be nto
Pala ce | 1 24 9 -0 68 L isb o a | P O RT U GA L
T . +3 51 21 3 919 267 | E . GA BPA R . Cor r ei o@ a r. p arl am en t o . pt