Europaudvalget 2020-21
EUU Alm.del Bilag 382
Council of the
European Union
Brussels, 17 March 2021
(OR. en)
Interinstitutional File:
General Secretariat of the Council
National Parliaments
Council Implementing Decision setting out a recommendation on
addressing the deficiencies identified in 2019 - 2020 thematic evaluation of
Member States` national strategies for integrated border management
In accordance with Article 15(3) of Council Regulation 1053/2013 of 7 October 2013, establishing
an evaluation and monitoring mechanism to verify the application of the Schengen acquis and
repealing the Decision of the Executive Committee of 16 September 1998 setting up a Standing
Committee on the evaluation and implementation of Schengen, the Council hereby transmits to
national Parliaments the Council Implementing Decision setting out a recommendation on
addressing the deficiencies identified in 2019 - 2020 thematic evaluation of Member States`
national strategies for integrated border management
Available in all official languages of the European Union on the Council public register,
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 382: Rådets anbefalinger til en række EU-lande - herunder Danmark - til justeringer af grænsekontrollen iht. Schengen, jf. evaluering i 2019-20 (engelsk)
Council Implementing Decision setting out a
on addressing the deficiencies identified in 2019 - 2020 thematic evaluation of Member States`
national strategies for integrated border management
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013 of 7 October 2013 establishing an
evaluation and monitoring mechanism to verify the application of the Schengen
repealing the Decision of the Executive Committee of 16 September 1998 setting up a Standing
Committee on the evaluation and implementation of Schengen
, and in particular Article 15 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,
The European integrated border management is a concept established in Regulation
2016/1624 on the European Border and Cost Guard
to reinforce the strategic approach to
border management at the national and Union levels, to ensure a uniform and high level of
border control
at the Union’s external borders, to guarantee the free movement of persons
within the Union and to facilitate border crossings. The European integrated border
management concept was further developed and amended by Regulation (EU) 2019/1896
and it consists of 12 components defining the border management and return requirements,
such as border control based on risk analysis, search and rescue, capabilities and information
systems, the necessary financial sources; as well as fundamental rights, training, research,
development and effective monitoring as overarching components.
OJ L 295, 6.11.2013, p. 27.
OJ L 251, 16.9.2016, p. 1.
OJ L 295, 14.11.2019, p. 1.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 382: Rådets anbefalinger til en række EU-lande - herunder Danmark - til justeringer af grænsekontrollen iht. Schengen, jf. evaluering i 2019-20 (engelsk)
Regulation 2016/1624 required the coordinated development of a European integrated
border management within the common strategic framework applicable at national and
Union levels. To that end, in 2018 the Commission developed a set of dedicated guidelines
and in 2019 the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) adopted the Technical
and Operational Strategy for European integrated border management. The technical
documents were put in place to assist Member States in developing their national strategies
in accordance with Article 3(3) of Regulation 2016/1624; a dedicated training programme
was also carried out.
The process to support the gradual implementation of the strategic framework for the
European integrated border management was outlined by the Commission in its 3
Report on the operationalisation of the European Border and Coast Guard
. In the same
document, the Commission highlighted the need to carry out an evaluation of the Member
States’ national strategies for integrated border management.
Article 6(1)(b) of the Schengen Evaluation Mechanism Regulation foresees thematic
evaluations as an additional tool to monitor the implementation of the Schengen
allows evaluating all Member States at the same time on a particular Schengen-related
Given the strategic importance of the European integrated border management for the
effective protection of the Union external borders, the Commission proposed in 2017 to
carry out a thematic evaluation of the national strategies for integrated border management
established by Member States in accordance with Article 3(3) of Regulation (EU)
The Council, supporting this view, in its conclusions of 4 and 5 June 2018, invited the
Commission to carry out this thematic evaluation in 2019-2020.
COM(2017) 219 final.
9000/18/FRONT 138 SIRIS 49 COMIX 258.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 382: Rådets anbefalinger til en række EU-lande - herunder Danmark - til justeringer af grænsekontrollen iht. Schengen, jf. evaluering i 2019-20 (engelsk)
The thematic evaluation consisted of a desk-review of the national strategies for integrated
border management. It looked at the quality and completeness of the national strategies and
their alignment with Regulation (EU) 2016/1624 and the Technical and Operational Strategy
for the European integrated border management adopted by the Management Board of the
European Border and Cost Guard Agency in March 2019.
The thematic evaluation aimed at assessing the readiness and preparedness of Member
States to align their strategies and planning with a view to ensuring a gradual and efficient
development and implementation of European integrated border management; and
contributing to the EU multiannual strategic policy cycle for the European integrated border
management as defined by Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1896. In this context, the
Commission should take the results of this thematic evaluation into account when preparing
the policy document that will launch the multiannual strategic policy cycle. The
Management Board of the European Border and Cost Guard Agency should also take the
results of the thematic evaluation into account while revising the technical and operational
strategy for the European integrated border management. Member States should take the
results of the thematic evaluation into account when revising their national strategies as part
of the multiannual strategic policy cycle for the European integrated border management, in
accordance with the timeline set in the Roadmap for the implementation of Regulation (EU)
The results of the thematic evaluation are also consistent with the approach proposed in the
New Pact on Migration and Asylum
to protect the EU external borders and to safeguard the
integrity and functioning of a Schengen area without internal border controls.
COM(2020) 609 final.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 382: Rådets anbefalinger til en række EU-lande - herunder Danmark - til justeringer af grænsekontrollen iht. Schengen, jf. evaluering i 2019-20 (engelsk)
The Commission evaluated 25 Member States and Schengen Associated States, namely
Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland; and proposed remedial
actions to address the deficiencies identified during the thematic evaluation of their national
strategies for integrated border management carried out in 2019 - 2020. Following the
thematic evaluation, a report and annexes covering the findings and assessments, listing
good practices and deficiencies identified during the evaluation and was adopted by
Commission Implementing Decision C(2020) 8000.
All the Member States evaluated have concluded national strategies for integrated border
management to ensure the effective implementation of the European integrated border
management at the national level in accordance with Article 3(3) of Regulation (EU)
2016/1624, which takes into account the relevant guidelines established by the Commission
and the European Border and Cost Guard Agency.
The evaluation identified as a good practice the approach taken by five Member States
towards the formulation of strategic objectives on several elements of the European
integrated border management, in particular border control, including where appropriate
prevention and detection of cross-border crime, return, cooperation between Member States
supported and coordinated by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, measures
within the Schengen area, cooperation with third countries, quality control mechanisms; the
strategic directions developed by these Member States guarantee consistent, efficient and
sustainable implementation of the European integrated border management at the national
level. The governance of the national strategies in some of these Member States was also
identified as a good practice as clear coordination and cooperation methods were proposed,
covering all national authorities involved in border management, supported by a coherent
timeline for implementing the strategy and the necessary resources.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 382: Rådets anbefalinger til en række EU-lande - herunder Danmark - til justeringer af grænsekontrollen iht. Schengen, jf. evaluering i 2019-20 (engelsk)
Most of the evaluated national strategies focused on the current state of play in the area of
border management and generally lacked a long-term strategic approach. In some Member
States, the national strategies are not accompanied by corresponding action plans to ensure
their effective implementation.
Member States should better design and align their strategies to improve the priority setting
in integrated border management at the political and strategic levels. This is in particular
relevant in the areas of new information systems for border control, border checks, border
surveillance, referral mechanism, contingency planning, risk analysis, prevention, detection,
and combating cross-border crime, measures within the Schengen area, cooperation between
Member States supported by the European Border and Cost Guard Agency, use of the state-
of-the art technologies, interagency cooperation and financial resources.
Most Member States also face difficulties in prioritising, planning, steering and organising
the national resources for border management. In particular, the evaluation found that the
strategic approach to human resources (staffing needs, staff allocations, recruitment policies,
and career development), education and training were the weakest elements in the national
strategies. Therefore, these topics should be prioritised when Member States revise their
national strategies.
The evaluation concluded that the alignment of the national strategies with the technical and
operational European Integrated Border Management Strategy was only partly
accomplished. The strategic management concepts applied by the Member States when
drafting the national strategies and the guidelines adopted by the European Border and Cost
Guard Agency for establishing the Technical and Operational Strategy for European
integrated border management were found not sufficiently integrated in relation to the
format, content and general approach.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 382: Rådets anbefalinger til en række EU-lande - herunder Danmark - til justeringer af grænsekontrollen iht. Schengen, jf. evaluering i 2019-20 (engelsk)
This Decision should be transmitted to the European Parliament and to the national
Parliaments of the Member States. The Member States should send the revised version of
the national strategies for European integrated border management to the Commission in
accordance with the timeline of the roadmap for the implementation of Regulation (EU)
2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard, in particular the implementation of the
multiannual strategic policy cycle for the European integrated border management.
HEREBY RECOMMENDS that Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland take action in 2021
and 2022 to:
revise, adapt and improve the content of the national strategy for the integrated border
management on the basis of the findings included in the evaluation report and its annexes
concluded after the thematic evaluation of the national strategies for integrated border
management in 2019 and 2020, and in particular:
ensure alignment of the national strategies for integrated border management with the
policy priorities established at the Union level, in particular with regard to the use of the
state of the art technologies, development of interoperability and new information systems
as well as the protection of fundamental rights ;
improve the strategic approach to interagency cooperation with a view to streamlining the
coordination and cooperation between the different national authorities involved in the
implementation of the European integrated border management;
improve priority setting for establishing an efficient European integrated border
management at the political and strategic levels and reinforce the link between priority
setting in their national strategy and the allocation of resources;
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 382: Rådets anbefalinger til en række EU-lande - herunder Danmark - til justeringer af grænsekontrollen iht. Schengen, jf. evaluering i 2019-20 (engelsk)
establish and consolidate a national governance mechanism, including a national
coordination authority for the efficient implementation of the European integrated border
management at the national level;
establish a coherent and strategic approach at national level to ensure an efficient
management of human resources for border management, which considers staffing needs,
staff allocations, recruitment policies, and career development, as well as national
education and training capacities for border guards;
ensure sufficient financial allocations for efficient implementation of the European
integrated border management by combining in an effective manner the national resources
with the Union Multiannual Financial Framework;
establish or improve the strategic approach, in particular setting strategic objectives and
priorities as well as improved planning with regard to border control, border checks, border
surveillance, referral mechanism, risk analysis, respect of the non-refoulement principle,
prevention, detection, and combating cross-border crime, measures within the Schengen
area, cooperation between Member States supported by the European Border and Coast
Guard Agency, interagency cooperation and financial resources;
establish an action plan for the efficient monitoring and implementation; and
revise the national strategy as part of the multiannual strategic policy cycle for the
European integrated border management, in accordance with Article 8(6) of Regulation
(EU) 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard and in accordance with the
roadmap established for its implementation. The information on the revision of the national
strategies should be provided for the purpose of the evaluation to be carried out by the
Commission in accordance with Article 8(7) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1896.
Done at Brussels,
For the Council
The President