Danish Government’s Response to
the Public Consultation
on the Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive
26 February 2021
Danish key priorities for the Renewable Energy Directive and principles for EU regulation
The revised Renewable Energy Directive should:
Increase the EU-level target for renewable energy to 45%.
Adopt a more ambitious approach to sustainability requirements for woody biomass
for energy, incl. strengthened requirements for climate sustainability and biodiversity.
Support the development of strategically important technologies, such as Power-to-X,
with high greenhouse gas emission (GHG) saving potential in hard to abate sectors.
Further incentivize cost-effective GHG reductions and increase the uptake of energy
from renewable energy sources (RES) in the heating and cooling sector.
Ensure comprehensive alignment with the other elements in the
“Fit for 55 package”
order to ensure cost-effective reductions of GHGs across sectors
Build on the strategies adopted in 2020 on Energy System Integration, Hydrogen, the
Renovation Wave and Offshore Renewable Energy as valuable reference points for the
successful implementation of the “Fit for 55”-package,
incl. the revision of the Renew-
able Energy Directive.
The European Council conclusions of 11 December 2020 provide the guiding prin-
ciples on how to achieve the climate targets. Specifically, to deliver those collec-
tively by the EU in the most cost-effective manner possible and in a way that pre-
serves the EU’s competitiveness.
On this basis, Denmark
fully supports the Commission’s approach regarding
newable energy and encourages the Commission to consider modernizing the pol-
icy framework in order to ensure that the energy sector can maintain its role as a
driver in the transition of the EU’s economy
and society.
Increasing the EU-level target for renewable energy in 2030
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