Europaudvalget 2020-21
EUU Alm.del Bilag 484
The President
Dear Colleague,
On my behalf and on behalf of the
Assembleia da República,
the Portuguese Parliament, I have the honor to invite
Representatives of the Parliament to which Your Excellency presides to attend the LXV COSAC Plenary Meeting, which
will take place on the 31
of May and 1
of June, within the scope of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Portuguese
Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Bearing in mind the strong restrictions that the pandemic situation continues to cause, which have had serious
implications for the functioning of our Institutions, we will not have yet the opportunity to welcome in person your
Parliament's Delegation. The LXV COSAC Plenary Meeting will therefore take place in a virtual model, by
videoconference, although with the same ambition that it would have in a face-to-face model.
I would be grateful if you could forward the letter of invitation from the Chairman of the European Affairs Committee,
Mr. Luís Capoulas Santos, to the Chairpersons and Members of the relevant Committees of Your Excellency's
With the assurances of my highest consideration,
Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues
President of the
Assembleia da República
São Bento
Palace, 20 April 2021
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Th e P r esi d e nt´ s C a bi n et
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T . +3 51 21 3 919 267 | E . GA BPA R . Cor r ei o@ a r. p arl am en t o . pt