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W sum.dk
Minister for Health
European Commission
Date: 27-04-2021
Section: MEDINT
Case Officer: DEPKLN
Case: 2106758
Doc.: 1704240
Pharmaceutical strategy for Europe: Combined evaluation
roadmap/inception impact assessment
Denmark would like to use this opportunity to thank the European Commission (EC)
for all the efforts made in terms of the highly important work on the pharmaceutical
strategy for Europe. We agree on the need for an ambitious, long-term project in
order to make the system patient-centered, future-proof and crisis-resistant while
ensuring safe medicines of high quality. Of equal importance is the focus on the
se tor’s glo al o petiti e ess a d thus ai tai i g the EU as a attra ti e hu for
research, development and investment. Last, but not least the possibilities offered by
the increasing use of data for regulatory purposes should be further explored in order
for the legislative framework to be better equipped to respond to the scientific and
technological developments (including in a timely fashion for the benefit of patients
in particular and society in general).
From a Danish perspective, all of the objectives listed in the roadmap are key in order
to ensure the above. At the same time, Denmark acknowledges that there are many
different possible policy options to choose from in order to reach these objectives.
Denmark also shares the challenges pointed out by the EC that the strategy needs to
tackle. However, we believe that overall, the work with the pharmaceutical strategy
is on track.
The pharmaceutical strategy for Europe is multifaceted as it covers many aspects. A
substantial number of details, dependencies and interfaces between the various
objectives will inevitably be revealed over time as the work progresses. We would,
however, like to highlight some reflections for the purpose of the on-going work. We
consider that the areas outlined are vital in order to ensure a strengthened
pharmaceutical agenda within the EU.
Security of supply and APIs
APIs are a necessity in order to produce pharmaceuticals. Due to lower production
osts, a su sta tial u er of API’s for ge eri s a d iosi ilars i parti ular are
produ ed outside the EU a d so e API’s are a ufa tured o ly at a ery li ited
number of sites world-wide. Obviously, this makes the EU vulnerable, in particular
when demand increases as we have seen it happen during the pandemic.
It is vital that these challenges are not only addressed through the pharmaceutical
strategy, as the handling of the matter needs a multi-sectoral approach. Various
means may be considered in order to strengthen the supply chain. Potential
initiatives could include:
Strengthened role for the EU, including in crisis situations;