The Danish Government’s response to the public consultation on the
Data Act
The Danish Government welcomes the consultation on the Data Act and
supports the overarching goal of increasing the access and further use
of data by public and private actors. Availability and use of data are
prerequisites for the development of digital technologies and tools that
can spur growth and innovation. Thus, the use of data will contribute
significantly to the economic recovery after the pandemic as well as
providing innovative solutions to climate change and our common
health challenges. It is vital for Europe to establish a true Single Market
for data, where it is easy for citizens, businesses, and public institutions
to engage in a fair, secure, trustworthy, and transparent exchange of
The Danish Government supports efforts in an upcoming Data Act to
ensure a fair and efficient data economy, especially in regard to busi-
ness-to-government (B2G) and business-to-business (B2B) data shar-
ing. To realise this, there is a need for safe and secure, ethical and func-
tional mechanisms for access to and sharing of data providing added-
value for all actors involved. Key tasks in doing so will be how to:
1) tackle technical challenges for data users and providers in terms
of data access and sharing such as data validation and enabling
interoperability between services through common standards
and formats;
2) provide legal clarity on access to and use of B2G and B2B data.
It is especially important for SMEs to have the right conditions
and incentives to use, process and share data in trustworthy re-
lations with other economic actors.
A well-functioning data economy is a high priority for the Commission,
which has launched several initiatives that aim at realizing the Single
Market for data as well as protecting the integrity of European data. The
Danish Government fully supports these ambitions and looks forward
to contributing to the work on the Data Act.
At the same time, we urge the Commission to carefully coordinate and
align the various data initiatives to avoid overlapping regulation and
take into account the experiences and implementation of existing regu-
lation. In our view, we should be careful to set clear rules, enable and
incentivize data sharing while not create an overly complex regulative
environment for European businesses. Considerations is needed regard-
ing the Data Act’s link to e.g., the Data Governance Act, the upcoming
proposal for the European Health Data Space (Q4), and the Digital
Products Passport.
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