Europaudvalget 2020-21
EUU Alm.del Bilag 789
Inter-Parliamentary Conference
for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP/CSDP)
9 September 2021
via video conference
Joint statement by the Co-Chairs
Preliminary remarks
The 19
Inter-parliamentary Conference (IPC) for the CFSP/CSDP was held in the
context of the parliamentary dimension of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council
on 9 September 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the event was held
for the third time via video conference. It was attended by parliamentarians from the
EU Member States and the European Parliament. Also taking part were
parliamentarians from EU candidate and potential candidate countries, and the
European member countries of NATO that are not EU members, namely Montenegro,
North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and the United Kingdom.
We, the co-chairs of the 19
1. Note that recent international developments and challenges, including the
COVID-19 pandemic, have thoroughly challenged the world we live in and are
affecting key aspects of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Stress that the EU needs
to act on the global stage with a common strategic culture to become an even
more important global player and to actively push for the strengthening of
2. Consider the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic as an accelerator of
changes in the international environment and recall the opportunity for the EU
to redefine its international agenda in order to address the new geopolitical
Stress the fundamental importance of the EU’s internal and
external resilience,
reinforcing cooperation with like-minded partners, developing new partnerships,
and strengthening the EU’s multilateral vision on a global scale. Underline the
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 789: Erklæring fra interparlamentarisk konference om den fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk samt EU's sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik (CFSP/CSDP) 9/9-21
importance of the EU’s
strategic sovereignty, built on openness, multilateralism,
and the rules-based global order.
4. Note that the COVID-19 crisis has shown the need to step up multilateral
cooperation, particularly in global health governance and economic recovery.
Call for further support of the partners worldwide in the fight against the COVID-
19 pandemic by addressing the immediate health emergencies and
humanitarian needs, strengthening health systems, and supporting the
economic recovery.
5. Welcome the continuous efforts of the Team Europe and Coronavirus Global
Response initiatives, such as COVAX Facility, which are helping partner
countries to tackle the impact of the pandemic. Call for further support of
COVAX, as the vehicle for delivering on international vaccine solidarity.
6. Acknowledge the seriousness of geopolitical and security implications of the
withdrawal of international forces from
for the country, its
immediate surroundings, and the international community as a whole. Express
concern for the threats that may emerge in this unpredictable security
environment and thus call on all parties to respect the principles of international
law, international humanitarian law, and international human rights law. Stress
the need for those in positions of power and authority across Afghanistan to
hold responsibility and accountability for the protection of human life and
property and for the immediate restoration of security and civil order. Reiterate
that Afghan women and girls, as all Afghan people, deserve to live in safety,
security and dignity and welcome the broad international support for their the
rights and freedoms which are an integral part of the life of the lives of women
and girls in Afghanistan for the past twenty years. Call for greater engagement
of the international community to prevent and manage potential risks associated
with an unstable Afghanistan.
7. Reiterate the call for accelerating a credible EU
enlargement process
putting clear focus on strengthening democracy, the rule of law and human
rights as well as on fostering reconciliation in the Western Balkans. Encourage
all countries in the Western Balkan region to implement the reforms aimed to
improve the institutional and socio-economic situation. Welcome the active
participation in regional cooperation initiatives, including the commitment to a
common regional market as a step on the EU path. Call for increased efforts to
build stronger political will among the Member States regarding the enlargement
to the Western Balkans and to ensure that the citizens of the region are more
closely associated with the EU and simultaneously benefit from the accession
process. Call upon the EU to speed up the involvement of the countries in the
region into cohesion policies and foreign affairs issues. Are convinced that
modernised Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
III) must improve
visibility of the EU funding in the region and bring a tangible impact on the
ground through enhanced conditionality.
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 789: Erklæring fra interparlamentarisk konference om den fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk samt EU's sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik (CFSP/CSDP) 9/9-21
8. Call on the High Representative, the Council, and the Member States to make
full integration of the Western Balkan countries in the EU’s foreign,
security and defence policy
a priority under the Strategic Compass. Stress
the urgency of holding the first intergovernmental conferences with North
Macedonia and Albania. Recall in that context that the EU should be the first
“partner of choice” in order to promote peace, security, and progress in the
region. Underline that the Western Balkan countries should benefit from EU-
level security and defence cooperation, such as the Permanent Structured
Cooperation and the European Defence Fund.
9. Underline that close cooperation with the Western Balkan region, including in
the CFSP/CSDP domain, is in the strategic interest of the EU. The enhancement
of regional partnerships with the countries of the Western Balkans through the
CSDP is an additional opportunity to reaffirm the importance of the European
perspective of the entire region and an investment in a safer and stronger
Europe. The strengthening of partnership and structured dialogue with Western
Balkan countries within the CSDP along with the involvement of the region in
the EU defence projects and initiatives will contribute to an enhanced defence
cooperation. In addition, it will increase the EU's capacity and capability as a
reliable international security actor. This joint cooperation will enable better
inclusion of the whole region by sharing common strategic culture and building
common security capacities of the Union and its neighbours. The intensified
cooperation will be an upgrade of the already established partnership within the
CSDP missions and operations with the Western Balkan countries, both in the
region and beyond.
10. Stress that the
Strategic Compass
has the ambition of developing a new
approach to security and defence partnerships with international organisations
and third countries. So far, dialogues under the Compass process have
reiterated the need to build a flexible and tailor-made partnership framework
that considers the specificities of each partner and the importance of its
contribution to EU actions. In this context, developing a tailor-made approach to
partnerships with the Western Balkans should be a priority. Indeed, the
integration of the Western Balkans in the EU remains a key strategic objective
and it is in the shared interest of the Union and the region to support its further
Euro-Atlantic integration. Building on the work of the 2018 Sofia Priority Agenda
and the 2021 European External Action Service’s non-paper
on the
reinforced engagement with the Western Balkans on the CSDP and the CFSP,
the Strategic Compass provides an opportunity to achieve closer engagement
and deeper dialogue with the region and the EU candidate countries.
11. Stress that
cyber security,
with the acceleration of digitisation, automation,
robotics, and the introduction of artificial intelligence, has become one of the
most important components of global security. Highlight the need for resilience
of critical infrastructure and the economy, as well as security of users of digital
technologies. Call to enhance
the EU’s efforts and investments to detect,
contain, adapt to, manage, and prevent and appropriately tackle the ever more
frequent and sophisticated cyber threats and risks. Encourage the creation and
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 789: Erklæring fra interparlamentarisk konference om den fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk samt EU's sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik (CFSP/CSDP) 9/9-21
implementation of international cyber security standards and norms to become
able to ensure a global, open, and secure cyberspace.
12. Highlight the importance of the full implementation of the
Agreement as well as the Trade and Cooperation Agreement and of the Protocol
on Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is an agreement that protects the
integrity of the Internal Market and the indivisibility of the four freedoms and
limits the negative consequences of the UK’s withdrawal from
the EU by
providing legal certainty for citizens and businesses. Welcomes steps towards
the establishment of a Parliamentary Partnership Assembly for Members of the
European and UK Parliaments, as foreseen by the Agreement. Express hopes
that foreign policy cooperation will be further developed and strengthened in
areas of common concern.
13. Underline the need to strengthen the
EU-US transatlantic cooperation
on the
basis of equal partnership. Emphasise the need for global promotion of common
democratic values with a tendency to rebuild and reinvigorate the multilateral
rule-based international order, with the UN system at its centre and with respect
of international law, international humanitarian law, and international human
rights law. Fully support and commit to pursue synergies and shared foreign
and security objectives through further deepening of cooperation in the
framework of the EU-US transatlantic dialogue. In this regard, stress the value
of transatlantic cooperation for the security and stability
of the EU’s eastern and
southern neighbourhood, the Western Balkans, and the African continent, and
call for regular dialogue and consultations to this effect. Emphasise the
importance of common cyber resilience promotion, close cooperation on the use
of new technologies and artificial intelligence, and the need to deepen legislative
cooperation and establish stronger structures.
14. Closely monitor the political developments in
which are directly
affecting the security of the EU and its immediate neighbourhood. Reiterate that
the main interest of the EU is to maintain freedom, stability, and peace on the
European continent and beyond. Underline that closer coordination,
cooperation, and unity among the EU Member States are necessary in order to
maintain a constructive dialogue with the Russian authorities based on the five
guiding principles. Note that besides the traditional selective strategic
engagement with the Russian authorities, a dialogue with the Russian civil
society should be promoted in order to foster a positive impact on the
development of democratic standards and practices.
15. Deplore that one year after the fraudulent presidential election in
Lukashenka regime continues its brutal crackdown against opposition figures,
independent media and civil society representatives. Condemn the
weaponization of illegal migration by the regime to carry out hybrid attacks on
Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, thereby violating the European Union's external
borders. Support the extensive restrictive measures introduced by the EU in
response to the serious human rights violations in Belarus. Reiterate our united
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 789: Erklæring fra interparlamentarisk konference om den fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk samt EU's sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik (CFSP/CSDP) 9/9-21
and unwavering support to the democratic forces and the brave people of
Belarus in their quest for dignity and freedom.
16. Recommend to develop a more assertive, comprehensive, and consistent
strategy that unites all Member States and shapes relations with China
in the interest of the EU as a whole, with the defence of our values at its core
and promoting a rule-based multilateral order. Underline that the strategy needs
to take into account the multifaceted nature of the EU’s relations with China.
Highlight that China is a cooperation and a negotiating partner for the EU, but
also an economic competitor, and a systemic rival in an increasing number of
areas. Suggest that this strategy should be based on the following principles:
open dialogue and cooperation on global challenges; enhanced engagement
on universal values, international norms, and human rights; analysis and
identification of the risks, vulnerabilities and challenges; building partnerships
with like-minded partners especially in the Indo-Pacific region; fostering open
strategic autonomy, including in trade and investment relations as well as
defence and promotion of core European interests and values.
17. Reiterate that the EU's priority is to actively engage in a revival of the
Comprehensive Plan of Action
(JCPoA) as a matter of security for Europe
and the region. Underline that the JCPoA is our only way to stop Iran's worrying
nuclear activities. Urge the new Irani leadership to halt all activities in violation
of the JCPoA without delay and to return to the negotiations in Vienna as soon
as possible with a view to bringing them to a swift and successful conclusion.
18. Call to further step-up synergies and coherence between all the legal and
political frameworks on which the
relations are based in order to be
more effective and sustainable, with a stronger long-term, multi-faceted and
multi-sectoral partnership. Stress the importance of addressing more effectively
the nexus between security, food and health security, climate change and
migration. Call for a swift ratification of the new Partnership Agreement between
the EU and the members of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific
States (post-Cotonou-Agreement). Recall that Africa is an important partner in
multilateral fora in which we need to reform the multilateral decision-making
bodies to make them more just and representative, which is crucial to find
solutions to our common global challenges. Stress that the EU needs to develop
a strategic and long-term response to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative,
which should be guided by our shared values and needs articulated by our
African neighbours.
19. Encourage solidarity and efforts of the EU Member States and institutions to
improve the
EU’s ability to respond to crises,
especially considering the
growing frequency and severity of natural and man-made disasters in recent
years, not least because of the negative consequences of climate change. In
light of recent disasters that include the COVID-19 pandemic, the wildfires in
Greece, Italy and Spain, and the deadly floods in Belgium, Germany,
Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, stress the importance of the Solidarity
EUU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 789: Erklæring fra interparlamentarisk konference om den fælles udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitisk samt EU's sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik (CFSP/CSDP) 9/9-21
Clause which enables the EU and its Member States to act jointly in assisting
another Member State that is a victim of a natural or man-made disaster.
Emphasise the need to upgrade the existing
crisis response mechanisms
urge the Member States to reconsider the existing restrictive approach to the
implementation of the Solidarity Clause. Consider that the respective Council
Decision on the implementation of the Solidarity Clause is inadequate and does
not provide a sufficient ground for the EU and the Member States to prepare
and act in a coordinated manner in cases of natural or man-made disasters.
Call on the relevant EU institutions to review the current set-up
of the EU’s
disaster crisis management and report on their findings. For this purpose and
based on the military dimension of the Solidarity Clause, call on the relevant EU
institutions to explore the manner in which Member States' military capabilities
are integrated with their civil crisis response capabilities and the manner in
which these could be utilised across the EU in the event that a Member State
invokes the Solidarity Clause
Monika Gregorčič
Chair of the Committee on Foreign Policy
National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia
Samo Bevk
Chair of the Committee on Defence
National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia
Bojan Kekec
Chair of the Commission for International Relations
and European Affairs
National Council of the Republic of Slovenia
David McAllister, MEP
Chair of the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs
Chair of the EP delegation