Europaudvalget 2020-21
KOM (2020) 0027 Bilag 4
Conference on the Future of Europe:
Common approach amongst Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Sweden
The governments of Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Sweden have identified matters of common
interest in order to have a close collaboration during the Conference on the Future of Europe.
We welcome collaboration with as many like-minded countries as possible with a focus on the
priorities outlined below.
We are determined to use the Conference to promote an
effective and rules-based EU
delivers real, tangible solutions to the challenges that the EU is facing. This entails a focus on
real policies and specific results
on the basis of the priorities already agreed to in the
Strategic Agenda
of the European Council. The Union framework offers potential to allow
priorities to be addressed in an effective manner
The Conference’s structure should be lean,
streamlined and avoid any unnecessary bureaucracy. It should not create legal obligations, nor
should it duplicate or unduly interfere with the established legislative processes.
Moreover, an overarching priority will be to take the Conference as an opportunity to engage
citizens in a substantial dialogue on what they expect from the EU. This dialogue should be
based on an inclusive approach that ensures diversity and gender equality.
We remain convinced that the EU’s legitimacy and popular support is intrinsically linked to
meeting the expectations of our citizens
in terms of both tangible results and democratic,
transparent processes. To that end, the results of public consultations should reflect the inputs
put forward. Follow-up is important in order to demonstrate to citizens that their input is taken
We will in particular cooperate on the following issues in the Conference, giving due
consideration to the challenges the EU has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Protecting and promoting the Rule of Law and the EU’s
other fundamental values, both
within the EU and globally
Making the EU a global frontrunner on climate through an ambitious green transition
and implementation of climate targets in an efficient way that contributes to
the EU’s
A just and green economic recovery, including reforms that increase the EU’s
competitiveness, resilience and stability
Ensuring an effective, competitive, socially inclusive and sustainable internal market
and facilitating the digital transition of the EU
Managing migration challenges in a comprehensive, fair and humane manner
Building up comprehensive security, including by fighting terrorism and violent
extremism, both online and offline
The EU as a strong and credible global actor, including working towards more efficient
decision-making processes
It is recalled that the Conference does not fall within the scope of Article 48 TEU, cf. the Council mandate from 1
February 2021.
kom (2020) 0027 - Bilag 4: Non-paper vedr. Konferencen om Europas Fremtid
Promoting a rules-based approach across the board, both within the EU and externally,
by upholding rules within the EU and by promoting rules-based cooperation,
multilateralism and free trade at global level
In addition to the specific policy priorities, we will focus on horizontal questions in order further
improve the EU’s
democratic legitimacy.
This entails the following initiatives:
Promoting the democratic legitimacy of the EU’s institutions through, amongst other
things, greater transparency surrounding all phases of the legislative procedure
Working towards ensuring that the Rule of Law is consistently monitored and upheld
both at EU level and across the Member States
Ensuring the correct implementation and efficient enforcement of all EU legislation
within the Member States.
Protecting and promoting the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality
Involving citizens including young people, civil society, social partners and national
parliaments in discussions on the future of Europe, while also considering relevant ways
of enhancing the role of national parliaments in the daily work of the EU, including in
the application of the principle of subsidiarity
Safeguarding the inter-institutional balance, including the division of competences.