Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2020-21
SUU Alm.del - Bilag 105
Dato 9. november 2020
Sagsnr. 2020110983
Implications of mutations in the spike protein of Danish mink-de-
rived SARS-CoV-2 isolates for vaccines and monoclonal antibody
In this text, the data received from SSI regarding neutralization of a mink-derived SARS-CoV-2 isolate
carrying 4 simultaneous mutations in the spike protein by convalescent sera from patients early in the
Danish epidemic is evaluated, and risks for vaccine efficacy posed by such mink-derived virus strains
Danish mink-derived SARS-CoV-2 isolates have been reported to carry a number of mutations in the
spike protein, with some isolates having 4 simultaneous spike protein mutations.
Some of these mutations have been described as being mink-specific, i.e., as having originated in
However, data from GISAID ( , the COVID-19 viral genome analysis pipeline at
Los Alamos, as well as scientific publications shows that viruses currently circulating in humans already
carry spike protein mutations which are identical or very similar to the spike protein mutations described
in Danish mink-derived viruses, albeit at very low frequency (<0.3% of circulating viruses in humans).
Therefore, the spike protein mutations observed in Danish mink-derived viruses should not be termed
The higher frequency of certain spike protein mutations in mink-derived viruses than in human-derived
viruses is most likely caused by the virus' adaptation to replication in mink. Thus, the fitness of the mink-
derived viruses in humans is most likely reduced.
Only 2 of the mutations in the mink-derived viruses occur at spike protein sites targeted by neutralizing
The receptor-binding site of the spike protein harboring the Y453F mutant is the most critical of
these, as it is able to induce particularly potent neutralizing antibody responses.
However, the Y453F mutation is conservative, and not expected to have major impact
on receptor or antibody binding.
In agreement with this, the Y453F spike mutation has been shown to have mild positive
effect on binding of the spike protein to the human ACE2 receptor (1,8-fold increase in
binding, likely within experimental error).
The N-terminal domain of the spike protein is known also to be the target for neutralizing anti-
bodies, and the deletions of amino acids 69 and 70 in mink-derived viruses may impact antibody
However, residues 69 and 70 in human-derived viruses already carry radical mutations.
In short, based on initial, theoretical/bioinformatical evaluation of the mutations in the spike protein of
Danish mink-derived viruses as outlined above, the following can be concluded:
These mutations do not seem highly likely to raise new issues for vaccine development which
do not already exist, due to the well-known and relatively well understood currently ongoing
mutation and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in humans.
The spike protein mutations are evaluated as not being likely to have substantial impact the
efficacy of first-generation vaccines.
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assesment Mink strains (003).DOCX