Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 258
, F
,13 - 14 J
1. Opening of the meeting
Welcome speech by Mr Gérard Larcher, President of the French
Opening remarks by Mr Jean-François Rapin, Chair of the European Affairs
Committee of the French
Opening remarks by Ms Sabine Thillaye, Chair of the European Affairs
Committee of the French
Assemblée Nationale
2. Procedural and other general matters
Presentation of the results of the COSAC Troika of Chairpersons' Meeting
Outline of the 37th COSAC Bi-Annual Report
Letters received by the presidency
3. First session - Presentation of the priorities of the French Presidency
Keynote speaker: Mr Clément Beaune, Secretary of State to the Minister for
Europe and Foreign affairs, responsible for European affairs
4. Second Session - New working methods within COSAC
Opening remarks by Mr Jean-François Rapin, Chair of the European Affairs
Committee of the French
5. Third session - Twentieth anniversary of the euro: achievements and future of the
Keynote speaker: Ms Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB
6. Closing remarks of the Chairpersons
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IN THE CHAIR: Mr Jean-François RAPIN, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of
the French
Ms Sabine THILLAYE, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of
the French
Assemblée nationale.
1. O
Welcome speech by Mr Gérard Larcher, President of the French
Mr Gérard LARCHER, President of the French
welcomed delegations to the
of the French Republic and said that this meeting of the Conference of Parliamentary
Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC) marked
the start of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (FPEU) in its
parliamentary dimension.
He recalled that the French
would have the privilege, in addition to inaugurating
the French Presidency in its parliamentary dimension, of concluding it next May with a
conference dealing with migration challenges. He added that the
is the only
institution of the French Republic that will not have elections in the first half of 2022 and
will therefore be in a position to ensure a seamless presidency.
Regretting the health constraints caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the FPEU
projects, the President of the Senate welcomed the efforts of the chairpersons of the
European Affairs Committees of the
Assemblée nationale
and of the
to ensure that
the COSAC meeting was held in good conditions.
After welcoming the presence of the Member States' delegations in the Chamber and by
videoconference, he welcomed the participation of delegations from the States of the
European Economic Area (EEA), the candidate countries and the Member States of the
Eastern Partnership in the work of COSAC, believing that it was necessary to seize every
opportunity to bring the European family closer together, in a world where the ambitions
of predatory powers were being deployed.
Referring to the death of the President of the European Parliament, David SASSOLI, on
11 January, which had plunged parliamentary Europe into mourning, Mr LARCHER said
that the French
had paid tribute to him and called on the members of COSAC to
take a moment of reflection. A minute of silence was observed.
The President of the French
then indicated that the first session of this meeting of
the COSAC Chairpersons would be the occasion to debate the main priorities of the
French Presidency.
Recalling that COSAC is celebrating its 33rd anniversary, an adult age that is not yet
mature, Mr LARCHER considered that the visionary Presidents of the national
Parliaments who created it in 1989, notably Laurent FABIUS, would hardly recognise the
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one of 2022, whose existence has been enshrined in the European treaties and whose
powers have been extended.
He welcomed the developments of COSAC since its creation but regretted that it did not
take advantage of all the possibilities offered by the Treaties to adopt contributions and
send them to the European institutions on subjects of direct interest to citizens. With that
regard, Mr LARCHER highlighted that the working methods of COSAC - which the
parliamentary dimension of the FPEU would like to develop, in consultation with the
national delegations and the European Parliament - would be the subject of the second
session of the COSAC Chairpersons meeting.
Mr LARCHER finally raised the issue of the euro, created twenty years ago and now used
by more than 340 million Europeans, while others aspire to adopt it or wish to move closer
to it. He stressed that the euro, which had withstood all crises and was a marker of
European identity, would be the subject of the last session, in the presence of the President
of the European Central Bank (ECB), Ms Christine LAGARDE.
Stressing that the national Parliaments, together with the European Parliament, are the
beating heart of Europe, the President of the
indicated that COSAC illustrated that
they also have a collective role to play within the European Union.
He concluded by quoting a French geographer from the 20th century, a time of tension
on the European continent: "Europe is too big to be united. But it is too small to be
divided. Its double destiny is there", as well as the famous formula of Alexandre DUMAS
The Three Musketeers:
"One for all, all for one".
According to the President of the French
the vocation of COSAC, at the crossroads
of sovereign and independent national Parliaments and the collective European project,
calls for a better balance between the two dimensions.
Opening remarks by Mr Jean-François Rapin, Chair of the European Affairs
Committee of the French
Mr Jean-François RAPIN, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee of the French
welcomed the presence of the delegations, expressing his satisfaction that for the
first time in two years an interparliamentary meeting was not being held exclusively by
videoconference, and hoping that all the delegations would be able to attend the
subsequent interparliamentary meetings held under the French Presidency.
He described COSAC's return to Paris as a return to its roots, since it had been set up there
in November 1989, with a first agenda devoted to strengthening parliamentary scrutiny
of European affairs and the participation of national Parliaments in the EU integration
process. He indicated that the second session, devoted to COSAC's working methods,
would make it possible to assess their efficacy regarding their role in the EU.
Mr RAPIN recalled that the persistence of a feeling of democratic deficit in the European
Union - which the increase in the powers of the European Parliament has not enabled to
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avoid - gives rise to fears of a disconnection between the aspirations of citizens and the
European institutions. The need for a greater role for national Parliaments had therefore
gradually become apparent, until it was enshrined in the Treaties.
He recalled the special place of COSAC in this context, indicating that it bore a
responsibility for the democratisation of the European Union and hoping that its work
would enable progress to be made in this direction.
Mr RAPIN thanked the Slovenian delegation for the work accomplished during his
country's Presidency, marked by the setting up of the working groups of the Conference
on the Future of Europe, as well as the members of the Troika for the preparation of the
present meeting.
Finally, he welcomed Mr Anton HOFREITER, Chairman of the Committee on European
Union Questions of the German
Mr Raimond KALJULAID, Vice-Chairman
of the Committee on European Affairs of the Estonian
and Mr David
SMOLJAK, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the Czech
Opening remarks by Ms Sabine Thillaye, Chair of the European Affairs Committee
of the French
Assemblée Nationale
Ms Sabine THILLAYE, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the French
Assemblée Nationale,
after welcoming the present delegations, said she was delighted to
be holding the COSAC presidency for six months, together with Mr Jean-François
RAPIN, at a pivotal moment for the European Union.
Hoping that 2022 would be the year of the end of the crisis, both in terms of health and
economic and social aspects, she noted that Europe had played its part in ordering and
donating vaccines and in the recovery plan. With the "Fit for 55" package and the Strategic
Compass project, Ms THILLAYE considered that Europe is in a position to look at the
future with ambition in strategic areas, notably the climate challenge and defence.
However, she regretted that these achievements are being met with a certain degree of
indifference by the European citizens. This, together with the lack of media coverage on
these issues, gives the impression that European policies have no impact, which is also
reflected in the low turnout that usually occurs in the elections for the European
Parliament and is not consistent with the influence of European policies on the lives of
450 million citizens. She added that, despite the slight drop in abstention in 2019, France
is in the middle of the pack, with a 50% voter turnout.
Ms THILLAYE said that national parliamentarians had a role to play in bringing about
change by looking at issues from the three angles local, national and European. She said
that citizens should be better informed about these complex issues and that political
decisions should be made understandable to them.
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Two priorities of the French Presidency are particularly dear to her: the role of national
Parliaments and the place of European values, in connection with the definition of the
rule of law. The application of the principle of legality and primacy of Union law to public
authorities may seem like an abstract concept. However, it is the guarantee of mutual trust
between Member States as well as the respect of the fundamental rights of every citizen.
It is absolutely essential and deserves to be addressed by national Parliaments as by the
European institutions.
Wishing that the exchanges between delegations would be fruitful, she concluded her
speech by recalling the agenda of the present meeting, which was approved without
2. P
Presentation of the results of the COSAC Troika of Chairpersons' Meeting
Mr RAPIN presented the results of the Presidential troika meeting, noting the approval of
the agenda and the outline of the 37th Bi-annual report of COSAC.
During its meeting on Friday 14 January, the Troika also adopted the draft agenda for the
LXVII COSAC plenary meeting in March, with the following themes: the first session
would be dedicated to drawing up an initial assessment of the French Presidency of the
Council of the European Union; the second session would discuss the European recovery
plan and the exit from the crisis; the third session would address the issues of the fight
against climate change and the energy transition; the fourth session would be dedicated
to the Conference on the Future of Europe; and the fifth and final session would be a
presentation of the progress report on the internal working groups of COSAC, if an
agreement on their establishment were to be found later in this meeting of the COSAC
Outline of the 37th COSAC Bi-Annual Report
Mr RAPIN said the 37th Bi-annual Report of COSAC, which was endorsed by Troika,
would focus on the role of national Parliaments, the rule of law and the Conference on
the Future of Europe, which is due to hold its concluding plenary session this spring. In
order for the report to be ready for the COSAC plenary meeting on 4 and 5 March, replies
to the questionnaire must be submitted by 31 January.
Letters received by the Presidency
Mr RAPIN also referred to the letters with requests to attend COSAC meetings from the
Assemblée fédérale,
the Norwegian
the UK
House of Lords;
Parliament of Georgia, and - only for the plenary meeting, from the Icelandic
Following consultation with the Presidential Troika, invitations would be sent to all the
above Parliaments.
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3. F
- P
Keynote speaker: Mr Clément Beaune, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe
and Foreign affairs, responsible for European affairs
Ms THILLAYE opened the first session by indicating that the French Presidency comes
at a time when Europe's needs have never been so highlighted. The challenges on climate
change, migration or digital transformation could only be met if Member States agree on
common approaches. Ms THILLAYE underlined that the social Europe finds new
visibility through two legislative proposals from the European Commission currently
under discussion regarding platform workers and minimum wage. The regulation of the
European digital market is also on the agenda with the Digital Services Act (DSA) and
the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Moreover, Europe is at the forefront of the fight against
global warming with the “Fit for 55” package and the decarbonisation of the European
economy objective. Furthermore, concerning the disagreements between the Member
States on the energy mix, the European Commission had made important proposals on
the taxonomy of green investments which include nuclear and fossil gas on a transitional
basis. Finally, the rule of law must remain at the heart of our concerns. Therefore, Ms
THILLAYE concluded by emphasizing that the COSAC was a forum for dialogue
between national Parliaments and the European Parliament, which could be a lever to
make these issues more visible to European citizens.
The Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign affairs, responsible for
European affairs, Mr Clément BEAUNE, addressed the plenary highlighting the
importance of national Parliaments, because of their proximity to the citizens and real
issues. Mr BEAUNE presented the major priorities of the French Presidency. He began
this presentation with the sovereignty of Europe and its capacity to define and control its
borders with a Schengen reform or the continuation of the work on the new pact on
migration and asylum. Mr BEAUNE stated that he believes in a European defence model,
mentioning the importance of the European Defence Fund or the Strategic Compass for
the EU. He also underlined the importance of taking an interest in Europe’s neighbours,
especially with Africa and the Western Balkans. He then raised another major priority:
the new European model for growth and investment. Mr BEAUNE stressed the need to
preserve the idea of a more humane Europe and said that the Conference on the Future of
Europe was a unique opportunity to talk about these European reforms. He indicated the
need to focus on European youth through programmes and new opportunities for young
During the ensuing debate, 29 speakers took the floor, expressing general support
regarding the priorities of the French Presidency and its vision leading to a stronger
Europe at a time where Europe faces major challenges. A number of speakers, including
among others Mr Dario STEFÀNO, Italian
Senato della Repubblica,
highlighted the fact
that the French Presidency was an opportunity to overcome these issues. These challenges
should therefore be tackled with a united, stronger and sovereign Europe.
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Some speakers underlined the importance of the Strategic Compass in order to make
Europe a more autonomous player on the global scale. According to Ms Satu HASSI,
the Strategic Compass was an important element in the discussion to
develop the European Common Security and Defence Policy.
A number of speakers stressed the need to take decisive steps regarding the issue of
migration. Ms Susana SUMELZO, Spanish
Cortes Generales,
emphasized the necessity
to ensure that the new pact on migration and asylum would move forward. Mr Harris
Vouli ton Antiprosopon,
underlined the need to make the issue
of instrumentalisation of migration by authoritarian regimes a priority. Mr Ștefan
MUȘOIU, Romanian
Camera Deputaţilor,
agreed on the importance of strengthening the
fight against illegal immigration with a stronger European unity on the matter.
A large majority of speakers acknowledged the commitment of the French Presidency to
ecological sustainability and the European climate rules. Mr Anton HOFREITER,
referred to the importance of the carbon border adjustment
mechanism, but also expressed his expectation that the Fit for 55 package can be achieved
during the French presidency. Ms Hajnalka JUHÁSZ, Hungarian
underlined the importance of the package and the need of affordable energy prices for
Several speakers supported the initiative of the French Presidency to promote economic
and employment development. Mr Gaëtan VAN GOIDSENHOVEN, Belgian
expressed his agreement with adopting a more autonomous approach between the partners
of the Union, in close collaboration with relevant strategic actors.
Facing the challenges in the areas of health, climate change and migration, a number of
speakers stressed the need to defend European democratic values. According to Mr
Domagoj HAJDUKOVIĆ, Croatian
Hrvatski Sabor,
the proposal for a directive on
adequate minimum wages in the EU was therefore an important tool for a more humane
Europe. Moreover, Ms Ine ERIKSEN SØREIDE, Norwegian
believed that the
fundamental values were cornerstones for the internal market.
Mr Reinhold LOPATKA, Austrian
expressed his hopes that the French
Presidency would have fruitful conclusions regarding the Conference on the Future of
Europe. Mr Nikítas KAKLAMÁNIS, Greek
Vouli ton Ellinon,
noted that the Conference,
while it was an ambitious project, was far from its initial aspirations. He also expressed
his doubts on the role of the Plenary working groups.
Finally, some speakers supported the initiative of the French Presidency to cooperate with
Africa and the Western Balkans. Some of the Western Balkans representatives expressed
their hopes for the opening of EU accession negotiations.
Mr BEAUNE took the floor again and thanked the speakers for their support on the
priorities of the French Presidency. Regarding the EU's relationship with its neighbours,
he expressed his hope that the ongoing negotiations with the Western Balkans would
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move forward, particularly with Albania and North Macedonia. He stressed that France
was fully committed to the Eastern Partnership in order to help resolving some of the
regional tensions.
Mr BEAUNE indicated that, regarding the issues of sovereignty, defence and security,
the Strategic Compass was a way to strengthen the EU's relationship with the major global
players, especially Russia and China. On migration, he stressed that the European values
in the area of asylum must be respected and that the border protection must be more
effective. He added that the reform of Schengen rules does not exclude the integration of
new members, as Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria.
Mr BEAUNE noted that several priorities of the new European model were shared by the
participants, notably on the climate issues. He recalled the major ambitions of the French
Presidency concerning the carbon border adjustment mechanism, the objectives for 2030
and 2050 and the sectoral regulations. He also emphasized the need to be vigilant on the
extension of the ETS (Emission Trading System). When it comes to the social support for
the ecological transition, Mr BEAUNE noted that a balance must be found between the
fight against social dumping and the strengthening of social protection on the one hand,
and the respect for the diversity of social models on the other hand.
Mr BEAUNE expressed his belief that the French Presidency should open political
dialogue on growth, investment strategy and budgetary rules. He noted that the question
of respect for the values of democracy had been raised by all the participants and thanked
them for their commitment to the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Finally, Mr BEAUNE expressed particular thanks to the Slovenian Presidency, which had
taken forward a number of issues on which final steps would have to be taken during the
French term. He also thanked the German Presidency, which had launched the work on
the Strategic Compass, and the Portuguese Presidency for ensuring the implementation
of the EU’s recovery plan.
4. S
- N
Opening remarks by Mr Jean-François Rapin, Chair of the European Affairs
Committee of the French
Ms THILLAYE opened the session by emphasizing the need for improvement of the work
of COSAC and referred to the proposal made by the French Presidency on establishing
two working groups (WGs) under the article 2.6 of the COSAC Rules of Procedure. She
informed the participants that the Presidential Troika of COSAC had already reached a
consensus on this proposal and expressed hope for such support also from the
Chairpersons of COSAC.
In his introductory remarks, Mr RAPIN stated that COSAC was an indispensable tool for
interparliamentary dialogue and cooperation on EU matters, which was the reason why
the French Presidency would like to improve its efficiency and visibility. He further
presented the structure and goals of the proposed two WGs. The first WG would aim to
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provide an overview of scrutiny mechanisms carried out by national Parliaments on EU
policies and issues, in order to enhance the (collective) role of national Parliaments at the
European level. The second WG would be dedicated to the values under Article 2 of the
Treaty on the European Union, analyzing the achievements and the difficulties
encountered by the Member States in conforming to these values.
Regarding the structure of the WGs, Mr RAPIN explained that all national Parliaments
would be invited to nominate up to two members per WG by the end of January. The
Presidency would provide a timetable of the WGs’activities in coordination with their
respective members, with the work expected to start in February. Furthermore, an interim
report on the work of each WGs would be presented during the LXVII Plenary Meeting
of COSAC in March and a final report drawn up at the end of the French Presidency. Mr
RAPIN also said that any proposals from WGs could be incorporated by the COSAC in
future contributions or conclusions that it alone has the power to adopt.
Mr RAPIN also referred to the continuation of the WGs after the French Presidency. He
stated that this was desirable, but would however be the prerogative of the upcoming
presidencies to decide upon. In the end, he touched upon the work of the WGs in relation
to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFE). He stressed that not all national
Parliament delegates to the CoFE are also involved in COSAC and said COSAC should
be able to discuss EU related issues independent of the CoFE.
During the debate that followed, eight speakers took the floor. In their interventions,
parliamentarians expressed their support for the proposal. The majority agreed the debate
on the improvement of the work of COSAC was necessary, with several parliamentarians
pointing out the need for more direct dialogue among members of COSAC. In line with
this, Mr Domagoj HAJDUKOVIĆ, Croatian
Hrvatski Sabor,
and Mr Dario STEFANO,
Senato della Repubblica,
commended the regular exchanges of COSAC with
European Commissioners. Furthermore Mr HAJDUKOVIĆ and Ms Ria OOMEN-
Eerste Kamer
underlined the advantages of WGs for more targeted
debates and flexible work of COSAC. Ms Etilda GJONA, Albanian
added that
the proposed WGs were a good opportunity to further include Western Balkan countries
into the debate.
Ms Eva KJER-HANSEN, Danish
emphasized the need for the reform of
COSAC’s working methods and proposed an establishment of an additional WG to
explore the possibilities for more goal-oriented and effective meetings. Ms Roelien
Tweede Kamer
stressed the importance of the rule of law for the
functioning of the European Union and expressed support for the establishment of the
WG on the place of European values at the heart of the feeling of belonging. For Ms
Danuta JAZŁOWIECKA, Polish
the focus of debate should also be on the
Fit for
legislative package.
A number of parliamentarians also stressed the need for a stronger role of national
Parliaments in the European Union. Mr STEFANO called for a closer legislative dialogue
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between national Parliaments and the European Parliament and strengthening the
collective role of national Parliaments through COSAC. Ms Eliane TILLIEUX, Belgian
Chambre des représentants,
referred to the work of the
on the “green card”
initiative during the Luxembourgish Presidency in 2015 and said the WG on the role of
national Parliaments could relaunch this initiative.
In response to the speakers, Ms THILLAYE stressed that COSAC certainly needed to
review its working methods but that it was not possible to decide today on the creation of
a third working group on this subject, as this issue had to be discussed by the Troika first.
On the continuation of the work of the working groups beyond the French Presidency, it
will be up to the subsequent Presidencies to decide on this matter.
In his replies, Mr RAPIN thanked the speakers for their support and noted that there was
a shared will to improve the work and visibility of COSAC. In reference to the proposals
from Ms KJER-HANSEN and Ms GJONA, he said that the Troika took note of them and
stated that, given the time constraints, this will remain an important decision to be made
by COSAC in the near future. He noted that the continuation of WGs remained an
ambition of the French Presidency and confirmed it would however be left to the complete
discretion of future presidencies.
In conclusion, Ms THILLAYE stated that under the Rules of Procedure a WG could be
established by an absolute majority of Chairpersons of COSAC, however emphasized the
strive of the Presidential Troika of COSAC to reach a consensus. In the absence of any
objections, the proposal for the establishment of the two WGs was thus approved.
5. T
- T
Keynote speaker: Ms Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank
After an introduction from Ms THILLAYE, who stressed amongst other things the
significant role of the European Central Bank (ECB) and its responsiveness to overcome
the economic and health crisis throughout the past years, Ms LAGARDE was given the
floor and started by paying tribute to President of the European Parliament David Sassoli
who died that week.
Ms LAGARDE took a brief look back at the last 20 years, from the first introduction of
euro banknotes and coins in January 2002, to the series of crises - the global financial
crisis, the sovereign debt crisis, the pandemic crisis, noting that the countries of the
Eurozone have emerged stronger from all these.
She stressed that there were three key directions to follow in order to ensure sustainable
progress for Europe: stability, strengthening supply, and ensuring strategic autonomy. She
elaborated on each of them.
With respect to stability, she underlined the importance of the Union cooperating towards
common goals and she compared the slower recovery from the global financial crisis, to
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the much quicker recovery from the pandemic crisis, as expected, thanks to Europe’s
combined policy response. She referred to the different exceptional measures taken by
the ECB to stabilise financial markets, to ensure the good transmission of monetary policy
and to protect price stability. She noted the importance of favourable financing conditions
and mentioned estimations that the measures taken had saved more than one million jobs,
adding that the fiscal policy responses, state aid support and new instruments as the Next
Generation EU (NGEU) laid the groundwork for a strong recovery. However, she also
referred to the rise in energy prices, which in turn led to an increase in prices for goods
and services, with inflation in the euro area reaching 5 percent in December. In this
context, she confirmed the commitment of the ECB to take any measures necessary to
ensure price stability and the inflation target of 2 percent over the medium term.
With respect to strengthening supply, she noted that sustainable growth required that
supply and demand must evolve together as the economy adapts to these changes. In this
context she also noted that the green and digital transition were accelerated by the
pandemic. She then focused on examples of the economy becoming greener, but stressed
that if supply capacity would not adjust quickly enough, the transition could be difficult.
She underlined how important it was that the EU had redirected supply towards the sectors
of the future and the unique impetus provided by NGEU, noting also in this respect the
significant role of national Parliaments to ensure a swift and effective implementation of
the reform and of the national recovery and resilience plans. However, she stressed that
these funds would not be sufficient and that it was necessary to unlock private investments
in Europe and across the world. Therefore, ensuring a robust EU financial sector was very
important as well as deepening further the Capital markets Union and completing the
Banking Union. While noting that the Capital Markets Union Action Plan provided a
useful basis for discussion, she also underlined the need for progress at national level,
with relevant reforms.
Ensuring strategic autonomy was the third area in which Ms LAGARDE saw potential to
build on what was achieved during the pandemic. Specifically she noted that the NGEU
had increased the credibility of EU bond issuances and boosted the international role of
the euro. She was confident that diligent implementation of the reform plans would
consolidate the confidence of financial markets in the bond. Ms LAGARDE called in
particular for attention to the EU’s place in the world in the digital sector, especially as
other economies in the world have had a head start. She supported the Digital Services
Act and the Digital Markets Act initiatives, which could secure the EU’s global position
in this field and promote the EU’s standards across the world. From the side of the ECB,
efforts are concentrated in this respect on the digital euro project. She expected that work
could conclude in 2023 when stakeholders – including Members of the European
Parliament and of national Parliaments – would need to decide on the way forward. Ms
LAGARDE explained at length the advantages of a digital euro, including simpler, safer
and more reliable means of payments, providing new business opportunities, and acting
as a catalyst for technological progress and innovation. She clarified that the digital euro
would not replace cash and that in fact the ECB had decided to redesign the banknotes to
make them more relatable to Europeans of all generations. Ms LAGARDE concluded her
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intervention by stressing once more the importance of the EU acting together in order to
remain resilient and strong.
During the debate that followed, 11 speakers took the floor.
A number of parliamentarians stressed the fact that the euro, as a strong currency, has
brought stability, security, prosperity and competitiveness to the benefit of citizens and
businesses in the EU and highlighted its symbolic character for the Union (Ms Satu
HASSI, Finnish
Mr Rubén MORENO, Spanish
Cortes Generales,
Domagoj HAJDUKOVIĆ, Croatian
Hrvatski sabor,
Mr Christian BUCHMANN,
Mr Raimond KALJULAID, Estonian
Mr Dragomir
STOYNEV, Bulgarian
Narodno sabranie,
At the same time both Ms HASSI and Mr HAJDUKOVIĆ noted that the currency
could also involve drawbacks and referred, respectively, to growing public debt and to
possible price instability during the transitional period for the introduction of the euro. Mr
Raimond KALJULAID, Estonian
reminded that Estonia started using the euro
in 2011, while heavily impacted by the financial crisis at that time, and thus had to set
very strict fiscal limits. He also emphasized the importance of fiscal responsibility for
ensuring a prosperous future.
Mr Dario STEFÀNO, Italian
Senato della Repubblica,
noted the strong role of the ECB
during the pandemic crisis and thanked Ms LAGARDE for her efforts and the measures
taken, as did Mr BUCHMANN and Mr VAN GOIDSENHOVEN, especially with respect
to her statement on the ECB’s commitment to reduce inflation. In this respect, Mr
MORENO stressed that the euro managed to resist the crises thanks to the Union’s greater
cooperation and integration. Mr Dimitrios KAIRIDIS, Greek
Vouli ton Ellinon,
noted that
despite the severe financial crisis Greeks remained committed to the euro project and he
asked, amongst other things, Ms LAGARDE if NGEU could be turned into a more
permanent mechanism.
A number of interventions also referred to the Growth and Stability Pact and the need for
more clear and transparent rules, a better oversight mechanism (Mr MORENO, Mr Sergio
Camera dei deputati)
and the need for a European Semester that
would take better account of social and environmental aspects (Ms HASSI, Mr
STEFÀNO). Mr BUCHMANN agreed with more “green” capitals in the Union and Mr
BATTELLI particularly welcomed the fact that the euro was the main currency for green
investments and that half of green bonds in the world were denominated in Europe. Mr
BUCHMANN and Mr KALJULAID welcomed the digital euro project and agreed that it
was the way to approach the future, new generations’ needs and necessity for innovation.
Ms Danuta JAZŁOWIECKA, Polish
in particular wished to know more about how
citizens would be prepared for the digital euro.
Both Mr HAJDUKOVIĆ and Mr STOYNEV expressed their hope that their countries,
Croatia and Bulgaria, will complete their European integration by joining the Eurozone
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very soon. In particular, Ms STOYNEV underlined the importance of the euro for the
development of the Balkans area, also for geopolitical reasons.
In her replies, Ms LAGARDE first addressed the euro introduction in Croatia and
Bulgaria and welcomed the enthusiasm of these countries to join the Eurozone, while
stressing that the process would not be easy and would require implementing all
principles. She highlighted that the euro was the second international reserve currency in
the world, and that its position was not weakened by the health crisis. Regarding the
Stability and Growth Pact, she mentioned that the ECB and the 19 Governors took the
position that fiscal discipline is essential and that rules needed to be simpler and more
comprehensible; they have required a pact allowing for fiscal policies to be more
harmonised and have considered an autonomous fiscal capacity. On all these matters, Ms
LAGARDE expects an extensive discussion in the coming period. With respect to the
digital euro, she underlined the difficulties linked to the project, and referred also to
countries like China and Sweden that were working for a long time on similar projects
but were not yet able to introduce digital currency. Respecting personal data was
paramount in this respect, as well as developing the adequate technology. Finally, she
stressed the important climate dimension in the ECB’s activities and the fact that it was
also necessary for the ECB to identify how to contribute to environmental protection and
6. C
In the closing session, Mr RAPIN thanked all participants for the very interesting debates.
Ms THILLAYE started by referring to the excellent cooperation between French
Assemblée nationale
in the running of the COSAC Presidency and also thanked the
COSAC Chairs for the endorsement of the proposal to establish the two working groups
within COSAC proposed by the Presidency. With that regard, she mentioned that a letter
would be sent very soon to all Parliaments to precise further the working modalities of
these working groups, and encouraged delegations to start considering which Members
they would like to appoint for each group.
Ms THILLAYE also thanked the two key-note speakers present, Mr Clément BEAUNE
and Ms Christine LAGARDE, for their participation in this COSAC Chairpersons
meeting and for very pertinent issues raised in their interventions and in the debate that
followed. In her view, the exchanges held highlighted the fact that the common challenges
that the EU faces should be addressed collectively. Finally, and alluding to the motto of
the French Presidency of the EU Council (“Recovery, Strength and a Sense of
Belonging”), Ms THILLAYE considered that the Members of Parliaments have a special
responsibility concerning the latter.
Concluding the debate, Mr RAPIN considered that the meeting was very fruitful and had
reached very concrete results, namely the establishment of the two COSAC working
groups. Finally, Mr RAPIN expressed his wish that the pandemic situation allows for the
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COSAC Plenary meeting, scheduled for March at the
Assemblée nationale,
to be held in
a format that allows for even more Members to be present in Paris.