Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 344
15 February 2022
Consultation response; Commission staff working document (SWD)
on Scenarios towards co-creation of a transition pathway for a more
resilient, sustainable and digital Proximity and Social economy indus-
trial ecosystem
The Danish government welcomes the Commission work on a transition
pathway for the “Proximity and social economy” industrial ecosystem and
appreciate the opportunity to respond to the consultation of the SWD. The
government also welcomes the Commission Action Plan for the Social
Economy and appreciates the strong interaction between action plan and
the transition pathway.
From a Danish perspective we would like to underline the importance of
social entities contribution to capacity building and job creation and the
benefits for the society and mainstream businesses. Many enterprises in
different sectors are suffering from labour shortage, which makes social
inclusion highly relevant. However, there may be a need for more specific
knowledge about the future needs for skills and training in the green and
digital transition to meet demands. Capacity building, training, and acqui-
sitions of skills in social enterprises as well as in mainstream business could
be targeting the future needs.
In this regard we would like to stress that not only social enterprises - but
also mainstream businesses - contribute to the social and proximity econ-
omy as well as social inclusion and job creation for vulnerable groups. An
increasing number of mainstream enterprises are aware of the importance
of social sustainability in their business models to meet the enhanced mar-
ket demands for sustainability. Therefore, the contribution from different
forms of mainstream businesses taking social responsibility should also be
reflected in the ecosystem. Against this background we also believe there
is an unexploited potential for cooperation and partnerships between social
businesses and mainstream businesses. This issue has also been stated in
the Action plan for the Social Economy, and we appreciate the strong em-
phasis on partnerships and cooperation in the SWD and the action plan.
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 344: Notat og høringssvar vedr. Kommissionens arbejdsdokument for en mere modstandsdygtig, bæredygtig og digital nærheds- og socialøkonomi i det industrielle økosystem
We fully support the recognition of the social economy as a key factor in a
fair and just green and digital transition, and we would like to add the fol-
lowing remarks to the main questions in the SWD regarding the output sce-
narios for 2030 and the benefit for the development of a green and digital
proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem:
Social economy business models could be better integrated in green
and circular value chain and social enterprises could expand their
business models in green transition markets.
We believe there is a po-
tential for a better integration of business models. There is a limited
understanding of social business models and the recognition of the so-
cial economy and social entities as an important part of the industrial
ecosystem should be strengthened. A green and digital transition can be
the future platform for social enterprises and other socially responsible
businesses to revitalize their business models, which could lead to new
partnerships and a broader access to markets and a more resilient econ-
omy within the social economy sector.
The recycling and reuse sector in social economy approaches its em-
ployment potential.
Surveys indicate that sectors with manual opera-
tions where no specific education is needed, has a high potential for job
creation for people distanced from the labor market. The potential is
highest in sectors such as industries and reuse and recycling sector, fa-
cility services, packeting and logistics. Building a strong recycling,
recuse and repair sector will have a positive impact on the social econ-
omy. A survey made by Cabi (in Danish) identifies the potential for
social inclusion in the circular economy:
Increase of community based social enterprises active in ecological
Engagement models for civil society, social and proximity
economy actors can play a more important role, primarily in rural areas
and contribute to the transition of local communities. The use of exist-
ing measures and models such as the Community Led Local Develop-
ment approach in structural funds programmes should be considered as
a tool for the development of the proximity economy.
Increase in green and social entrepreneurship, innovation and scaling.
An increase in the number of social impact entrepreneurs and scaling-
up of new and existing business can boost the social economy and con-
tribute to a better integration of the social business models in the indus-
trial ecosystem. In a short-term basis this could also lead to new part-
nerships and cooperation among social enterprises and mainstream en-
terprises, which we believe has an unexploited potential.
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 344: Notat og høringssvar vedr. Kommissionens arbejdsdokument for en mere modstandsdygtig, bæredygtig og digital nærheds- og socialøkonomi i det industrielle økosystem
Access to more and better (digital) data
is an interesting tool to obtain
a higher recognition of social enterprises and entities as a potential busi-
ness partner and as an important player within the industrial ecosystem.
It can be informed that a multi-stakeholder Council for Responsible Busi-
ness Conduct and the Sustainable Development Goals has been launched
by the government to support the green transition and social inclusion. The
council is the national platform for dialogue with social stakeholders, busi-
nesses/industry organisations and the Government.
The Danish government is looking forward to the future work on the tran-
sition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable and digital Proximity and
Social economy industrial ecosystem.