Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 36
20 October 2021
Open letter to G20 ahead of G20 Summit on 30-31 October 2021
Climate change is a planetary emergency that requires international
leadership. The harsh realities of climate change are felt everywhere. The
window for taking decisive climate action is rapidly closing. The recent
reports from the United Nations are clarion calls for action.
The major economies in the G20 will meet next week to discuss climate
action. The outcome of this meeting will set the tone for COP26. We call
on the G20 countries to send a clear signal that they are fully aware of
the responsibility they bear. That the decisions they take during those
days will affect the lives of all of us.
The G20 must show global leadership and the courage to act by putting
the might of their economies behind the efforts to avert a global climate
crisis. And we call on the G20 to step up actions to support those in need
– to show solidarity and do their part towards delivering on the finance
promises to the developing world. We must send a signal to those on the
frontline of the climate crisis that the international community stands
with them.
We are determined to act now – with resolve – to lead a just transition
towards a greener and more prosperous world of tomorrow. We must
come together to build a world that is resilient and can adapt to the
impacts of climate change, which are already upon us and are ever
increasing. We are fully committed to implementing the Paris Agreement
– at home and abroad. We, however, cannot do it alone. We need the
largest emitters and wealthiest countries to move now if we are to
H.E. Mario Draghi
Prime Minister of Italy in the capacity as president of the G20
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 36: Brev fra stats- og regeringschefer fra hhv. Danmark, Belgien, Sverige, Irland, Estland, Letland, Costa Rica, Grenada og Marshalløerne til G20-formanden forud for G20-topmøde 30-31/10-21 vedr. klimaforandringer
With 10 days to go until the world gathers in Glasgow for the UN Climate
Conference, COP26, it is well past time for major emitters to submit
climate plans – so-called NDCs – that will get the planet on track to limit
the global temperature increase to 1.5C degrees and prevent the worst
climate impacts. We therefore urge NDCs to be submitted before COP26.
We also need to see concrete strategies on how they will reach climate
neutrality by 2050. And crucially, we call on all donor countries to show
solidarity and deliver on the financing promise of $100 billion annually.
The impacts of climate change are already upon us and ever-increasing.
With 80% of global GDP, the G20 has a vital role to play in building a
more resilient world. We encourage G20 members to scale up public
financing for adaptation as also underlined by the UN Secretary-General,
as we seek a balance between adaptation and mitigation support. We
further call on the G20 to show solidarity with those most in need by
delivering on the $100 billion pledge from developed countries. We must
clearly signal to those on the frontline of the climate crisis that the
world’s largest economies stand with them.
The world urgently needs leadership from the biggest countries – now.
Alexander De Croo
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Belgium
Carlos Alvarado Quesada
Republic of Costa Rica
Kaja Kallas
Prime Minister
Republic of Estonia
Mette Frederiksen
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Denmark
Keith C. Mitchel
Prime Minister
Arturs Krišjānis Kariņš
Prime Minister
Republic of Latvia
Stefan Löfven
Prime Minister
Micheál Martin
Prime Minister
David Kabua
Republic of the Marshall Islands