Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 439
Interparliamentary Committee Meeting
Committee on Legal Affairs
The EU's Subsidiarity mechanism
European Parliament,
Brussels Antall 2Q2,
and by remote participation (tbc)
Monday, 25 April 2022
13.45- 15.45
13.45- 13.50
Welcome words
Adrián Vázquez Lázara
Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, European Parliament
13.50 - 13.55
Introduction to the topic
Nacho Sánchez Amor
Standing rapporteur on Subsidiarity
13.55 - 14. 25
How to make the Reasoned Opinions more efficient and improve political
dialogue -
National parliaments’ and European perspectives
National Parliament(s) Representative(s)
Dr. Cristina Ares Castro-Conde
Senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science and Sociology
of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and author of the study
“The Early Warning System (EWS): a faulty playground on which to
trigger the “solidarity card”
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Dr. Diane Fromage
Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Professor of European Law at the University
of Salzburg, and author of the Study:
“Controlling subsidiarity in
today's EU: the role of the European Parliament and the national
The subsidiarity control mechanism applies in areas where the EU does not have exclusive
In cases where national Parliaments consider that draft legislative acts do not comply with
subsidiarity, they can send a reasoned opinion to the Commission within eight weeks.
National Parliaments also can issue opinions on Commission documents or policy areas where the
Commission has power to act. The Commission aims to reply to such opinions within three months.
Regional and Local parliaments’ contribution to the subsidiarity check:
the German experience (TBC)
Member of the Bundesrat
The Task Force
on Subsidiarity, Proportionality and ‘Doing Less More Efficiently’
recommendations to give local and regional authorities and national parliaments a more prominent
role in order to achieve ‘active subsidiarity’.
German regional parliaments can and do participate to the political dialogue by sending
contributions in the framework of the political dialogue.
14.35 - 14.45
The role of the Committee of the Regions in the subsidiarity check
Mr Karl-Heinz Lambertz
President/Chair of the Subsidiarity Steering Group of the COR
Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty the Committee of the Regions (CoR) is vested with
more responsibilities regarding subsidiarity. It now has the right to bring an action before the EU
Court of Justice on the grounds of infringement of the subsidiarity principle.
14.45- 15.05 Debate in the presence of the EC
15.05- 15.15 Assessing proportionality of EU law
Ms Dorota Denning
Member of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB)
RSB provides central quality control and support for Commission impact assessments and
evaluations at early stages of the legislative process, in order to identify opportunities for
Study commissioned for the JURI Committee by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional
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simplification prior to the Commission proposing the revision of any existing law or adoption of a
new one.
Good practices in avoiding
plating” in the implementation of EU
Member (s) of National Parliaments (TBC)
States’ parliaments
should not be prevented from maintaining or taking more ambitious
measures and adopting higher standards in cases where only minimum standards are defined by
Union law. In some cases, Member States need to add elements of national importance when
implementing EU rules.
The practice of ‘gold plating’
however translates into additional unnecessary
regulatory or administrative burden for citizens and stakeholders; (Member state XXX) has already
adopted guidelines on how to avoid gold-plating.
15.15 - 15.30
15.30- 15.40
Debate in the presence of the EC
15.40- 15.45
Closing remarks
Adrián Vázquez Lázara
Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, European Parliament
End of meeting