Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 518
The Danish Government’s response to the European Commission’s
call for
evidence for an impact assessment concerning certification of carbon remov-
I. A trustworthy certification framework for carbon removals has a high poten-
tial to facilitate additional funding for the green transition in the EU
Substantial removals of CO
from the atmosphere are needed to reach Member
States’ individual climate targets, the
climate target for 2030 of reducing net
greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 pct. compared to 1990
as well as the EU’s
objective of reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
As most recently shown by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
in its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6),
carbon removal and sequestration is a key
in scenarios that limit warming to 2 °C or 1.5 °C globally by 2100. However,
deployment of negative emissions technologies, such as bioenergy with carbon cap-
ture and storage (BECCS) and direct air CO
capture and storage (DACCS) is cur-
rently limited. For nature-based measures, such as afforestation and peatland resto-
ration, there is a general lack of incentives for private landowners to adopt practices
that increase carbon sequestration. According to the IPCC AR6 report, a political
commitment to formally integrate carbon removals into existing climate policies is
required to accelerate research, development, and demonstration, as well as to in-
centivise deployment.
As an essential first step,
the Danish Government agrees with the need of a com-
mon, trustworthy EU standard for the certification of nature-based as well as
technological carbon removals.
If properly designed, a common certification
framework could facilitate additional funding from private and public sources to sup-
port the green transition.
First, the framework could support this objective by providing a robust and trustwor-
alternative to standards used on the voluntary carbon markets
today. Im-
portantly, voluntary carbon credits are entirely decoupled from Member States’ EU
and national climate targets. Nonetheless, with the rise of private net-zero commit-
ments, voluntary carbon markets have a great potential for facilitating additional pri-
vate funds for carbon removal projects. At the same time, however, the general cred-
ibility of voluntary carbon credits is uncertain, in part due to low perceived or actual
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quality of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV). A common certification stand-
ard for carbon removals in an EU context could help establish trust in the voluntary
carbon markets and engender additional carbon sequestration to the benefit of the
climate. Additionality, permanence, leakage, MRV, biodiversity and environmental
safeguards are key elements of a credible EU certification system.
Secondly, the framework could allow for an
effective design of national and EU
to incentivise carbon dioxide removal in a market-based manner. If proven
credible, certification of nature-based removals based on reliable MRV could be an
important cornerstone for national and EU carbon farming policies in the future, which
are much needed in order for Member States to implement the increased ambition
of the proposed revision of the LULUCF Regulation. Likewise, certification of tech-
nological removals could contribute to market-based financing of negative emissions
projects. Additional private funding of BECCS or DACCS facilities through the sale
of voluntary carbon credits could reduce the need for public finance for deploying
carbon capture and storage (CCS).
Denmark notes the plans for rapid employment of in particular BECCS and BECCU
to achieve ambitious national 2030 climate targets in a number of Member States.
Denmark further notes that Commission proposals on a revised LULUCF Regulation
as well as revised sustainability criteria for biomass in the RE Directive will improve
the accounting of forest carbon stock losses in the EU Member States linked to e.g.
BECCS, as well as improve the overall sustainable production of biomass.
Finally, a certification framework may have the potential to make way for an
tion of carbon removals with the EU Emissions Trading System
(ETS) in the
longer run. Integrating LULUCF removals would require a substantial revision of the
current accounting system in order to ensure environmental integrity and to avoid
double counting. The Commission is encouraged to explore this perspective in its
Impact Assessment so as to spur a dialogue on the future EU climate architecture.
The different potential uses of a certification framework could imply a need
to plan
for different stages of implementation.
For example, specific challenges related
to nature-based removals (such as the complexity of measurement, permanence and
baseline setting) should not impede a rapid development and implementation of a
corresponding standard for technological removals. Namely, the Danish Government
sees merit in immediately preparing for
integrating negative emissions in the EU
as a means to provide cost-effective incentives for reductions and negative
emissions, bearing in mind the sustainability of the specific projects. Apart from ac-
celerating deployment of negative emissions technologies, integrating negative
emissions in the EU ETS ensures that this system remains viable, effective and rel-
evant as fossil fuels are phased out over time. In order to provide clarity for market
actors and governments, it is of high importance that the Commission is clear in its
communication about how it expects to apply the certification framework at different
stages over time.
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II. Danish priorities on technical issues
For a certification framework to be credible, have environmental integrity and ensure
additional removals, a number of technical challenges must be resolved. The Com-
mission Impact Assessment should be transparent about the available options and
the trade-offs associated in this regard. Some of these challenges are generic to any
reliable carbon removal certificate, while others are specific to certain branches of
technologies. However, they should all be addressed regardless of the use of the
certification framework, as discussed above.
A common EU standard for carbon removals must
be clear on how addition-
ality is defined
and tested for. Particularly, the standard should be clear about
the legitimacy of privately funded voluntary carbon offsets contributing to na-
tional and EU climate targets. Additionality, meaning that the carbon removal
achieved by a project would not have happened regardless, is a defining con-
cept of any carbon removal standard. Demonstration of additionality may in-
clude identification of alternatives to the project activity, given legal and regu-
latory requirements, as well as investment analysis to determine whether the
project activity is likely to be financially attractive in the absence of carbon cred-
its. Despite the wide acknowledgement of the importance of demonstrating ad-
ditionality, there are substantial differences in how the concept is being inter-
preted and implemented in practice. The Danish Government believes that
credible voluntary carbon certification is an important tool for private actors to
make real contributions to the ambitious climate targets of their host countries,
whether or not the certificates are used for voluntary offsetting. For the EU to
achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and to become net-negative thereafter, the
voluntary efforts of private companies and individuals are key. In order to pro-
vide clarity for market actors, it is important that the Commission’s legal pro-
posal clearly define additionality within the context of a specific project rather
than political targets.
Furthermore, the need for
documenting additionality may vary substan-
between projects. Consequently, it is important to limit administrative and
methodological burdens for project owners.
The framework should
encourage co-financing
of carbon removals so as to
mobilize private funds with a view to reducing the need for public support. It is
clear that project activities, which are fully subsidized or compensated by public
means, such as the Common Agricultural Policy, cannot be considered addi-
tional. Therefore, no voluntary offset claims should be made on the basis
thereof. However, where additional private finance is an important enabler of
project activities, carbon removal certificates could be a key instrument to in-
centivise private engagement. The Commission’s Impact Assessment should
evaluate models for how to determine the additionality of private involvement
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and how to credit such additionality in terms of issuance of certificates in a fair
and transparent manner.
The framework should be
applicable to the full range of options for tech-
nological carbon removal.
Current efforts on technological options for carbon
removals focus primarily on BECCS from combustion processes. Other options
for CCS of biogenic CO
include CO
from fermentation processes (such as
biomethane production, wastewater treatment plants, and industrial fermenta-
tion) and from waste incineration of biogenic sources. DACCS is another option
for reducing the atmospheric concentration of CO
. Likewise, Denmark regards
biochar as having considerable potential for carbon sequestration in agricul-
tural soils. To promote a technology neutral approach, the Commission should
consider all forms of BECCS, DACCS and biochar sequestration in its legal
A common EU standard must contain rules on how to account for
carbon storage.
For carbon removals to balance a given emission, the re-
moved carbon should be stored for a duration at least equivalent to the time
the emitted amount of CO
resides in the atmosphere. With respect to the vol-
untary carbon market, it is currently unclear how to value the benefits of tem-
porary storage
for example, 10 or 100 years of carbon storage
against true
permanent storage. This discussion is fundamental to answering the question
of how much temporary storage is needed for private actors to legitimately off-
set an emission and, thus, important to resolve to establish trust in the volun-
tary carbon market. The Commission is encouraged to analyse options for how
to account for temporary carbon storage in its Impact Assessment.
The Commission is encouraged to clearly define which
carbon farming prac-
should be eligible for certification under the framework. In its impact as-
sessment, the Commission should examine the possibility of including carbon
farming practices that aim to protect carbon pools by reducing carbon emis-
sions. Particularly, rewetting of carbon rich soils has a great potential for re-
ducing CO
emissions and protecting carbon in agricultural soils and could be
considered within the scope of the framework. Furthermore, the Commission
should also examine the perspectives of certifying activities that aim to reduce
emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from agricultural activities.
Finally, the certification framework should take into account
fluxes of all
greenhouse gases
within project boundaries. For example, rewetting of car-
bon rich sols may reduce CO
emissions and increase net carbon sequestra-
tion but give rise to increased gross methane emissions. In order to ensure the
environmental integrity of EU carbon removal certificates, such fluxes must be
appropriately accounted for alongside removals of carbon from the atmos-
phere, in MRV as well as in baseline setting.
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