Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 663
Dear colleagues,
Good morning. On behalf of the Presidency, please find herewith a
Joint appeal of the Verkhovna
Rada Committee on Ukraine's Integration into the European Union, the Committee of Foreign
Affairs and Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation and the Committee on Humanitarian and
Information Policy to the national parliaments of the EU and NATO Member States, to the
European Parliament, Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE and
the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
The Presidency is hereby circulating this appeal to all COSAC delegations.
Best regards.
The COSAC Secretariat
Bruno A. Dias Pinheiro
Permanent Member of the
Secretariat | Membre Permanent du Secrétariat de la
European Parliament / Parlement Européen
MTY 06R010
Rue Montoyer, 70 • B
Brussels • Belgium
+ 32 (0) 493 39 99 73 |
[email protected]