Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 355
Committee on Constitutional Affairs
The Chair
To the Chairperson(s) of the committee(s) concerned
Dear Chair,
I have the pleasure of inviting you to an Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) that
the Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) will hold on Wednesday 26 April 2023.
The main aim of this Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting is to exchange views with
national Parliaments on the ‘Reform of the European Electoral System'.
On 3 May 2022 Parliament adopted a proposal for a Council Regulation on the election of the
members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, repealing Council Decision
(76/787/ECSC, EEC, Euratom) and the Act concerning the election of the members of the
European Parliament by direct universal suffrage annexed to that Decision (2020/2220(INL).
Several Parliaments have expressed their views on this proposal.
Following the exchange of views on the "Reform of the European Electoral Law" during the
Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting of 22 June 2021, we would like to use the
opportunity of the ICM on 26 April 2023 to have an in-depth exchange of views with national
Parliaments on the 2022 European Parliament proposal.
I would thus, like to cordially invite you, together with a small delegation from your
committee, to the Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting of AFCO, to be held on 26 April
2023 in the afternoon. In this context, I would be very pleased to welcome up to four
Members of the relevant committee(s) from each national Parliament (two from each
Chamber in the case of bi-cameral Parliaments) to attend this meeting. Please be informed
that the meeting will be held in hybrid format. Should you be unable to attend, I would
welcome any written contribution, which would be distributed to our Members and other
I sincerely hope that you will be able to accept this invitation, and I am looking forward to
your participation in this event on 26 April 2023 and to a constructive and fruitful debate.
In attachment, you will find a copy of the draft programme of the meeting. A final copy will
be circulated closer to the date of the meeting.
Yours sincerely,
Salvatore De Meo
Encl: Draft Programme of the AFCO Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting of 26 April
Committee Secretariat:
B-1047 Brussels - Tel. +32 2 28 43454 - Fax [email protected]
F-67070 Strasbourg - Tel. +33 3 88 1 72655 - Fax [email protected]
[email protected] -