Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 54
A review of the Directive on ad-
equate minimum wages in the
European Union
Erik Sjödin
Associate professor of private law, Stockholm University
Erik Sjödin has been given the following assignment by Faglig Fael-
les forbund (3F).
A review of the legal analysis and the arguments made by Dr
Jur. Jens Kristiansen, supplemented with the legal opinion of
Erik Sjödin on the preliminary political agreement of the
12th of June 2022.
An analysis of the legal basis of the political agreement of the
12th of July 2022, including an examination of the political
agreement with reference to the Treaty of the European Un-
ion, including, but not solely art. 153. 5 and art. 153, 1f
An analysis of the legal risk connected to filing an annulment
action, as well as not filing an annulment action of the Di-
rective at the European Court of Justice.
In this report, Sjödin carries out the requested analysis. The analysis
is based on documents provided by 3F, primarily ‘Dossier interinsti-
tutional: 2020/0310 (COD)’ and Jens Kristiansen's ‘Notat til CO-