Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 617
León, June 30 and July 1, 2023
Declaration of León on parliamentarism
The Conference to commemorate the International Day of Parliamentarism took place
on June 30 and July 1, 2023, in León, within the framework of the parliamentary
dimension of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union during the second half of
2023. This Conference brought together Speakers, or their representatives, from the
Parliaments of the Member States of the European Union, EU candidate countries,
countries with a special partnership with the European Union and emerging
democracies, to commemorate the International Day of Parliamentarism, stressing its
historical roots. It was inaugurated by His Majesty the King of Spain and presided over
by the Speaker of the Congress of Deputies, Ms. Meritxell Batet, and the Speaker of the
Senate, Mr. Ander Gil. Professor John Keane, author, among other works, of
and Death of Democracy’
addressed the Conference as special guest. It was held at the
Cloister of the Collegiate Church of San Isidoro de León, the same place where the Cortes
of León met in 1188, recognized by the UNESCO as the first documented example of
parliamentarism in history.
EUU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 617: Erklæring fra den årlige konference til fejring af “International Day of Parliamentarism 30/6 til 1/7-23
Defence of European values and democratic institutions faced with the new challenges
and threats to Democracy
The Speakers
1. Stress that we are at a crucial moment for the development and consolidation of
democracy worldwide in the face of new challenges and threats.
2. Note with concern threats such as Russia´s illegal war of aggression against
Ukraine, the assault against parliamentary institutions, foreign interference in
democratic and electoral processes, disinformation generated by social media
that disrupts social debate and alters the democratic conversation, or challenges
such as digitalization, artificial intelligence, the energy and food crisis, or the
consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Consider that there are national factors that play a role in the way these common
developments are addressed which constitute real internal threats to
democracy, such as the rise of extremism and populism, nationalism,
protectionism, the deterioration of democratic quality in many countries,
extreme polarization and the emergence of authoritarianism. And they recall
that totalitarianism also uses democracy and parliaments for its establishment
and consolidation.
4. Consider that the rise of authoritarianism and the tolerance thereof are at the
root of Russia´s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, which they firmly
condemn, since it is an attack against the territorial integrity of a country, which
violates the Charter of the United Nations and, hence, breaches the most basic
principles of international law. They support the continuation of financial,
economic, humanitarian, and military assistance, as long as it is needed, until the
full restoration and control of its internationally recognised borders; the
effective implementation of sanctions against Russia; and the establishment of
a special tribunal to prosecute the crime of aggression against Ukraine, noting
the indispensable role of ensuring accountability for the prospects of durable
peace. They additionally express hope for strengthened endeavours of the
European Union and its international partners to promote dialogue based on the
key values and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and the
Helsinki Final Act that would lead to the end of the Russian military aggression
and all hostilities when the circumstances so permit.
EUU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 617: Erklæring fra den årlige konference til fejring af “International Day of Parliamentarism 30/6 til 1/7-23
5. Deem that the promotion of democratic values, human rights and the Rule of
Law in our societies requires limiting trade relations with totalitarian regimes,
and particularly, the dependence on the supply of raw materials, basic foodstuff,
essential products, medicines and technological products, and thus advocate for
strategic autonomy as regards the production and diversification of supply
chains and an increased cooperation with other regions such as Ibero-America,
Africa or Indo-Pacific.
6. Understand that the assault against democratic institutions in several countries
can be seen as a consequence of the current rise of populist and extremist
movements, propelled by disinformation and false news.
7. Warn of the distortion of reality on the basis of which citizens have to take
decisions in electoral processes, using the tools provided by social media. And
they welcome the adoption of the new Digital Markets Act and the Digital
Services Act of the European Union. They recognise that the benefits of
digitalization are obvious, but its disproportionate and unbalanced use in the
market to access such services may have a negative impact on democracy,
fundamental rights and on the economy. They warn of the dangers for
democracy of not agreeing on an international regulation of artificial
intelligence, and welcome, in this regard, the work towards a European Artificial
Intelligence Act.
8. Welcome the progresses made as regards the digital transformation of
Parliaments, but they consider that liberal democracies require an in-person
Parliament, with in-person speeches and debates. And they consider that digital
literacy programmes aimed at the general population should be encouraged, so
that no one is excluded from the democratic process, guaranteeing general
access of the population to the Internet.
9. Support extending to all Parliaments initiatives such as the European Democracy
Action Plan, based on the Action Plan against Disinformation, to stop
disinformation campaigns and for the protection of the quality of information
and of democratic systems and public debates.
EUU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 617: Erklæring fra den årlige konference til fejring af “International Day of Parliamentarism 30/6 til 1/7-23
The importance of Parliaments to enhance Democracy
The Speakers
10. Declare that Parliaments are one of the main institutional pillars of
representative democracies and of the Rule of Law. As Chambers directly elected
by the people, they are at the heart of liberal democracy and must therefore be
involved in all decision-making processes, in the face of the contemporary drift
“parliamentary” democracy to “governmental” democracy.
reflect and guarantee social pluralism and, above all, the political pluralism that
cements social support and the democratic legitimation of the State’s
11. Support the strengthening of Parliaments as key element of the international
strategy for the evolution of democracy. A robust and efficient Parliament
contributes to political stability, economic development and to the quality of life
of citizens.
12. Deem it necessary to improve the capacity of Parliaments to address a whole
series of global strategic challenges, focusing particularly on the political
involvement of women and young people.
13. On occasion of the International Day of Parliamentarism, on June 30, they warn
of the need to recall the origins of parliamentarism to be able to understand the
profound social change it entailed for the organization of medieval societies,
understand its relevance for the subsequent constitutional development of all
modern democracies and be aware of why democracy is the best of all possible
systems of organization as opposed to the simple recipes of authoritarianism.
14. Acknowledge the deep historical roots of the Cortes de León, gathered in 1188
by the King Alfonso IX, in the very Cloister of the Collegiate Church of San Isidoro
de León where this meeting is being held, with a view to commemorating that
encounter, where the institutional presence of citizens in higher-level decision
making, together with the king, the church and the nobility occurred for the first
time, giving rise to modern Parliaments.
15. Underline the value of the Decreta of León, declared by UNESCO as Memory of
the World, being the oldest known written information regarding the European
parliamentary system and constitutional heritage, based on the respect of laws
established by uses and customs and procedural and judicial guarantees that
must protect citizens and private property, thus laying the first foundation stone
EUU, Alm.del - 2022-23 (2. samling) - Bilag 617: Erklæring fra den årlige konference til fejring af “International Day of Parliamentarism 30/6 til 1/7-23
of the Rule of Law and equality, given its profound resemblance to modern
practices regarding parliamentary representation.
Parliamentary cooperation and development of Democracy
The Speakers
16. Note that the Parliaments of the European Union, and many others, are
increasingly involved in parliamentary diplomacy and in providing technical
support to strengthen Parliaments worldwide, acknowledging that peer support
is the most efficient way to share lessons learnt and transfer knowledge to
developing Parliaments, which, in turn, results in a stronger democracy.
17. Recognize the progresses made as regards the different parliamentary
cooperation projects with Interpares (Parliaments
for Partnership)
for the
effective development of democracy in the world, enabling a network of
Parliaments with a view to their technical cooperation. Acknowledge the
usefulness of all other types of capacity building programmes financed by the
European Union or provided bilaterally by the Parliaments of the European
18. Support the initiative from the European Parliament, as mentioned in the
Conclusions of the Presidency of the Conference of Speakers of the European
Union Parliaments held in Prague on 24-25 April 2023, aimed at drafting a
“Charter on the role of Parliamentarism in an effective Democracy”
the fundamental principles and the key elements of modern parliamentarism,
consubstantial to liberal democracies.
19. Pledge to continue working on this initiative with a view to the final adoption of
this Charter at the Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of the European Union
to be held in Madrid on April 21-23, 2024.
León, June 30, 2023
The principles of which were outlined in the speech delivered in León by Othmar Karas, First Vice-President of the
European Parliament.