Europaudvalget 2022-23 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 758
Committee on Constitutional Affairs
The Chair
To the Chairperson(s) of the committee(s) concerned
D 103783 18.09.2023
Dear Chair,
I have the pleasure of inviting you to an Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) that
the Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) will hold on Wednesday 25 October 2023.
The main aim of this Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting is to exchange views with
national Parliaments on the preparations to the European Elections in 2024.
AFCO is currently working on an important own initiative report on the European Elections
2024, under the co-rapporteurship of Mr Sven Simon (EPP) and Mr Domènec Ruiz Devesa
(S&D), the aim of which is to convey Parliament’s key political messages to strengthen the
European dimension of the organization of the elections in June 2024 and the process leading
up to the election of the President of the Commission. We would like to use the opportunity
of the ICM on 25 October 2023 to have an in-depth exchange of views with national
Parliaments on ways of strengthening European democracy at the next election to the
European Parliament, which will provide further food for thought to the AFCO report.
I would thus, like to cordially invite you, together with a small delegation from your
committee to the Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting of AFCO, to be held on 25 October
2023. In this context, I would be very pleased to welcome up to four Members of the relevant
committee(s) from each national Parliament (two from each Chamber in the case of bi-
cameral Parliaments) to attend this meeting. Please be informed that the meeting will be held
in hybrid format. The meeting will be followed by a reception, which will provide an
opportunity to continue exchanges in an informal atmosphere. Should you be unable to
attend, I would welcome any written contribution, which would be distributed to our
Members and other participants.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to accept this invitation, and I am looking forward to
your participation in this event on 25 October 2023 and to a constructive and fruitful debate.
In attachment, you will find a copy of the draft programme of the meeting. A final copy will
be circulated closer to the date of the meeting.
Yours sincerely,
Salvatore De Meo
Encl: Draft Programme of the AFCO Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting of 25 October
Committee Secretariat:
B-1047 Brussels - Tel. +32 2 28 43454 - Fax [email protected]
F-67070 Strasbourg - Tel. +33 3 88 1 72655 - Fax [email protected]
[email protected] -