Danish Position Paper on the Next Erasmus+ Programme Period
Since its inception more than 35 years ago, Erasmus+ has established itself as the
main vehicle for mobility and cooperation in education, youth and sport in Europe.
The programme has been of immense value in fostering European integration,
identity and values among younger generations. In a world where European cohe-
sion is ever more important, we must look ahead to the next Erasmus+ pro-
gramme period to ensure the continued success and effectiveness of the pro-
gramme. The proposals of this paper can be met through reprioritisation and in-
creased cost-efficiency and does not pre-empt the future MFF.
The main focus of the programme should continue to be on education and learn-
ing mobility as well as international cooperation within the fields of education,
youth and sport while considering challenges such as climate change and the
need for skilled labour in the EU to underpin the green transition.
The pillars of the programme have proven to be key drivers of personal, academic,
and professional growth for participants, fostering increased knowledge, intercul-
tural understanding, and lifelong connections. We support the bottom-up approach
of the programme, which allows for flexibility at both national and institutional level.
It is essential to preserve the freedom for self-determination, as this ensures that
participating countries and institutions can tailor their actions according to their
specific needs and circumstances.
Building on the existing initiatives, we should strive further along the set paths
while ensuring European initiatives are balanced with full respect for the basic
principle of national competence in education and training.
This positions paper highlights the main principles and issues to be address in or-
der to achieve a successful Erasmus+ in the future.
Key messages:
1. Consolidate and build on the strengths of the current Erasmus+ and bol-
ster the budget share for priorities such as VET
We recognise that the Erasmus+ programme is well-functioning and has a positive
impact on education, learning and sports mobility as well as international coopera-
tion. The brand of the programme carries a strong reputation and association with
quality and valuable experiences. It is of utmost importance that we maintain and
strengthen this position in the next Erasmus+ programme. Thus, we should focus
on the core tasks and strengths of the programme rather than expanding into new
fields or novelties.
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