Rådsmøde økofin 12/4-24
Bilag 1
Rådsmøde økofin 8/12-23
Rådsmøde økofin 9/11-23
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Rådsmøde økofin 14/7-23
2022-23 (2. samling)
Rådsmøde økofin 16/6-23
Rådsmøde økofin 16/5-23
Rådsmøde økofin 14/3-23
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing: EU Legislation in Progress: Governance and oversight of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (Maj 2023)
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing: Payment suspension methodology for the Recovery and Resilience Facility (Maj 2023)
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) notat: Next Generation EU (NGEU) delivery Governance: Transparency in the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing om Det Europæiske Semester: ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE AND EMU SCRUTINY UNIT: Economic Dialogue with the other EU Institutions under the European Semester Cycles during the 9th legislative term - State of play October 2023
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing om genopretningsfaciliteten:Analysis of the 100 largest recipients of RRF funds per Member State
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing om genopretningsfaciliteten:
Next Generation EU (NGEU) delivery – Governance: Recovery and Resilience Facility implementation: Overview of European Commission annual reports (december 2024)
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