Direktiv (EU) 2024/3017
Rådsmøde transport, tele og energi 4-5/12-23
Bilag 2
Rådsmøde konkurrenceevne 25/9-23
Bilag 1
2022-23 (2. samling)
KOM (2023) 0270
Bilag 4
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing: Implementation Appraisal: Revision of Directive 2009/21/EC on flag State requirements and Directive 2009/18/EC on accident investigations
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing om forslaget: EU Legislation in Progress: Revision of the Directive on the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector
EUU alm. del
Bilag 239
Bilag 156
Bilag 68
Bilag 69
Bilag 749
[email protected]
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