Europaudvalget 2024-25
KOM (2023) 0645
Non-paper - Call for ambitious EU measures to reduce and prevent microplastics pollution
Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Norway
Date: 26 April 2023
Microplastics end up in the environment at all stages of the plastics lifecycle
production, use and
disposal. They take on a variety of shapes and sizes. They spread through the air, water and soil, and
are even found in biota and human bodies. In addition, there are indications that microplastics can
be harmful to human health and ecosystems, including aquatic species.
The need to address microplastics pollution is becoming increasingly urgent. We therefore welcome
the Commission’s ambition to reduce emissions of microplastics into the environment by 30% by
2030. Yet, EU legislation to fully achieve the proposed reduction target and significantly reduce
microplastics pollution is currently lacking. Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands
and Norway therefore call on the Commission to introduce the necessary measures to reach the
proposed reduction target in the proposal on
‘Microplastics pollution –
measures to reduce impacts
on the environment’.
In addition, the proposed measures to tackle microplastics pollution should
also be adequately incorporated into all relevant European policy and legislation, such as the
Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), the revision of the EU Waste Framework
Directive, the Single-Use Plastics Directive, and the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste
We would ask the Commission to take account of the three guiding principles below for ambitious
European measures to reduce and prevent microplastics pollution:
1. Data and knowledge
towards European monitoring, supervision and enforcement
Scientific knowledge about microplastics is constantly growing. It is clear that microplastics end up in
the environment, accumulate in the food chain and are subsequently detected in the human body.
They don't belong there. More research is needed into the precise effects of microplastics on human
health and ecosystems and how to prevent microplastics pollution, for instance by gaining a better
understanding of the (chemical) composition and effects of polymers and additives being produced,
marketed and used, and which are likely to end up in the environment.
Furthermore, it is important to develop uniform methods to monitor the volume, characteristics and
quantity of microplastics in water, soil, and air, and to identify the main sources. Harmonized
methods are also needed to enforce the relevant EU legislation with regard to microplastics.
kom (2023) 0645 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 1: Spm. om oversendelse af non-papers
2. Voluntary measures are not enough
towards European laws and regulations
In view of the current gaps in knowledge and data, we call on the Commission to introduce
precautionary measures at EU level to prevent and reduce microplastics in the environment. Tackling
microplastics pollution is a cross-border challenge, and therefore national and voluntary measures
alone are not sufficient. Measures at EU level are needed to prevent and reduce microplastics, and
where possible, measures should also be taken on a global level by including them in a UN treaty to
end plastic pollution. We call on the Commission to introduce ambitious European legislation to
prevent and reduce microplastics pollution.
3. Prevention is better than cure
towards a European source-based approach
It is important to tackle microplastics pollution, and for maximum impact, measures should be taken
early in the lifecycle. We urge the Commission to move forward and propose ambitious measures
aimed at all types of microplastics and all sources, starting with those that have been identified by
scientific studies as releasing the most microplastics into the environment.
The Commission should
also take account of unintended negative effects of measures to reduce and prevent microplastics
pollution. For example, discouraging materials that contribute to microplastics pollution should not
lead to the use of alternatives with an even greater environmental impact.
kom (2023) 0645 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 1: Spm. om oversendelse af non-papers
Annex with Signatories
Magnus Heunicke
Minister of Environment
Christophe Béchu
Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion
Steffi Lemke
Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
Joëlle Welfring
Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
Vivianne Heijnen
Minister for the Environment
The Netherlands
Espen Barth Eide
Minister of Climate and the Environment