JPSG Written and Oral Questions
Guide for Members
The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG) brings together Members of
national parliaments and the European Parliament to fulfil the scrutiny and oversight on the
activities of Europol including fundamental rights.
The JPSG meets at least twice a year and is Co-Chaired by the European Parliament
and the parliament of the country holding the rotating Presidency of the Council
of the European Union.
Article 4.2. of the JPSG Rules of Procedure:
Right to ask questions
Members of the JPSG may address both oral and written questions to Europol. Written
questions may also be asked outside the meeting framework and independently of items
listed on the agenda and shall be answered within an appropriate timeframe. The
questions shall reflect the mandate of the JPSG as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/794
(Europol Regulation). These questions shall be relayed to Europol after their admissibility
has been checked by the Co-Chairs and the question is deemed to be in line with the
Europol regulation. A further written reply can be requested in case the answer to an oral
question is deemed insufficient.
The Rules of Procedure of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol in its Art. 4 (4.2)
set up the right to ask questions as part of the scrutiny tasks. Members of the JPSG –
individually or jointly - may address questions to Europol. There are two categories of
questions: written and oral ones.
The JPSG was constituted pursuant to Art. 51 of Regulation (EU) 2016/794 (Europol Regulation) and Art. 88 TFEU.