Europaudvalget 2024-25
EUU Alm.del Bilag 203
JPSG Written and Oral Questions
Guide for Members
The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG) brings together Members of
national parliaments and the European Parliament to fulfil the scrutiny and oversight on the
activities of Europol including fundamental rights.
The JPSG meets at least twice a year and is Co-Chaired by the European Parliament
and the parliament of the country holding the rotating Presidency of the Council
of the European Union.
Article 4.2. of the JPSG Rules of Procedure:
Right to ask questions
Members of the JPSG may address both oral and written questions to Europol. Written
questions may also be asked outside the meeting framework and independently of items
listed on the agenda and shall be answered within an appropriate timeframe. The
questions shall reflect the mandate of the JPSG as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/794
(Europol Regulation). These questions shall be relayed to Europol after their admissibility
has been checked by the Co-Chairs and the question is deemed to be in line with the
Europol regulation. A further written reply can be requested in case the answer to an oral
question is deemed insufficient.
The Rules of Procedure of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol in its Art. 4 (4.2)
set up the right to ask questions as part of the scrutiny tasks. Members of the JPSG –
individually or jointly - may address questions to Europol. There are two categories of
questions: written and oral ones.
The JPSG was constituted pursuant to Art. 51 of Regulation (EU) 2016/794 (Europol Regulation) and Art. 88 TFEU.
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 203: Invitation og program til møde i den parlamentariske følgegruppe vedr. Europol (JPSG) i Warszawa 23-24/2-24
Both oral and written questions shall reflect the mandate of the JPSG as defined in
Regulation (EU) 2016/794 (Europol Regulation). These questions shall be relayed to Europol
after their admissibility has been checked by the Co-Chairs and once they are deemed to
be in line with the Europol Regulation.
The Members of the JPSG are invited to send their written questions by email to the JPSG
Co- chairs. During the Polish Presidency the contact details are:
The European Parliament:
Mr Javier ZARZALEJOS, Co-Chair of the JPSG, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties,
Justice and Home Affairs, '[email protected]'
The Sejm and the Senate of the Republic of Poland:
Mr. Konrad FRYSZTAK, Co-Chair of the JPSG and Head of the Delegation of the Sejm to the
JPSG, Sejm of the Republic of Poland, '[email protected]'
Mr Kazimierz M. UJAZDOWSKI, Co-Chair of the JPSG and Head of the Delegation of the Senate
to the JPSG, Senate of the Republic of Poland, '[email protected]'
Requirements to submit written questions:
Written questions may be asked outside the meeting framework and independently of items
listed on the agenda and shall be answered by Europol within a six-week timeframe. The
text submitted to the Co-Chairs as a written question addressed to Europol shall be explicitly
marked as a ‘Written Question’. An email of confirmation of the receipt of a (set of) written
question(s) shall be sent from the mailbox: '[email protected]', with
a copy to '[email protected]'.
Step one – Admissibility
The Co-Chairs decide whether or not the written questions meet admissibility requirements
within a week. The Member raising non admissible questions is informed via email without
any further delay together with a written explanation.
Step two – Europol
The Co-Chairs - in line with Art. 4 (4.2) of the JPSG Rules of Procedure - submit the admissible
written questions via the JPSG LIBE Secretariat mailbox to Europol asking for a reply within
a six-week timeframe.
Should the written questions not be clear enough, Europol may ask the Co-Chairs via the
JPSG LIBE Secretariat for further clarifications on them. In that case, the Co-Chairs ask the
Member to explain in more detail the substance of his/her questions. The clarification should
be sent within a week by the Member who submitted the question.
All JPSG Members are informed about admissible written questions after their submission
to Europol by the Co-Chairs via e-mail as part of the meeting documents for the upcoming
JPSG meeting and the IPEX website.
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 203: Invitation og program til møde i den parlamentariske følgegruppe vedr. Europol (JPSG) i Warszawa 23-24/2-24
Step three - receipt of the reply
Europol sends the reply to the Co-Chairs via the JPSG LIBE Secretariat.
The Co-Chairs transmit the reply to all JPSG Members via e-mail as part of the meeting
documents for the upcoming JPSG meeting and publish it on the IPEX website.
Step four - possible further clarification
In case the reply is not satisfactory to the Member who submitted the question, the Member
may inform the Co-Chairs on this. The Member can ask a follow up written question to which
the same six week requested timeframe applies. If the Member prefers, the point raised
in the question could instead be addressed orally during the following JPSG meeting
in the exchanges with Europol. At that meeting, the Member concerned can ask for further
The Members of the JPSG may, during the appropriate point on the agenda of the JPSG
meeting ask Europol oral questions linked to the listed topics on the agenda. In case
Members wish to notify Europol beforehand on the content of their specific question as to
enable Europol to provide a more detailed answer, they can do so following a similar
approach as for written questions and contact the Co-Chairs.
To make sure that they can get a detailed reply, Members may send their oral questions to
the Co-Chairs by email two weeks before the JPSG meeting. The text submitted to
the Co-Chairs as an oral question addressed to Europol shall be explicitly marked as an
‘Oral Question’ to be replied to in the framework of the next meeting. An email of
'[email protected]',
with a copy to
'[email protected]'
Step one – admissibility
The Co-Chairs decide whether or not the oral questions, submitted by JPSG members to
notify Europol beforehand on their content, meet the admissibility requirements.
The Member who submitted the oral question or Co-Chairs communicate the admissible
questions at the meeting.
Step two - Europol
In case Members have sent their oral questions to the Co-Chairs by email beforehand,
the Co- Chairs forward the questions to Europol via the JPSG LIBE Secretariat mailbox and
request a reply to the admissible oral questions at the meeting.
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 203: Invitation og program til møde i den parlamentariske følgegruppe vedr. Europol (JPSG) i Warszawa 23-24/2-24
Step three – reply
Europol replies on the oral questions at the meeting. In case Europol requires more time to
reply, sending additional replies in writing within a six-week timeframe may be suggested.
Step four - follow up
In case the oral reply is deemed insufficient by the Member who presented the question,
the Member may ask Europol to consider the oral question as a written question and request
a written reply within a six-week timeframe.