Europaudvalget 2024-25
EUU Alm.del Bilag 280
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Human Rights
The Chair
EXPO-A-DROI D (2025) 3899
D 100534 13.02.2025
Subject: Invitation to the DROI interparliamentary committee meeting on the topic
‘Strengthening the role of the EU at the UN and exchanges of best practices in
the human rights field’ on 19 March 2025
Dear Chair,
I am pleased to inform you that the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights
(DROI) will organise an interparliamentary committee meeting with national parliaments on
19 March 2025 from 16.00 to 18.30. The meeting’s topic is ‘Strengthening the role of the EU
at the UN and exchanges of best practices in the human rights field’.
The aim of the meeting is to discuss how best to ensure that the EU together with the EU
Member States can strengthen the role of the EU at the UN and to coordinate on human rights
issues, in order to protect and promote fundamental rights and freedoms, as enshrined in
international treaties, in the relations with EU’s partner countries.
The DROI Subcommittee would like to invite members of national parliaments, in particular
members of committees responsible for external relations, to this meeting to share their views
and experiences and discuss recommendations for the way forward.
The meeting will be held in person. Further practical details regarding the meeting will be
forwarded in due course to the department in your parliament that is responsible for relations
with the European Parliament.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to accept this invitation and I look forward to welcoming
you to the European Parliament, on 19 March 2025.
Yours faithfully,
Mounir Satouri
Cc: David McAllister, Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
[email protected] -