Europaudvalget 2024-25
EUU Alm.del Bilag 46
To the Chair(s) of the committee(s) concerned
Subject: Invitation to the 15th meeting of the JPSG on Europol on 12 November 2024
Dear Chair,
Within the framework provided by Article 51 of the Europol Regulation (EU) 2016/794,
we are pleased to invite you to the
15th Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny
Group (JPSG) on Europol,
which will take place
on 12 November 2024 at the
European Parliament in Brussels.
The meeting will be held in person only.
The meeting will tackle a number of issues directly arising from the JPSG’s prerogatives
according to Article 51 of the Europol Regulation, including presentations by Ms
Catherine DE BOLLE, Europol Executive Director, Mr Peter DE BUYSSCHER, the
Chair of the Europol Management Board and Mr Wojciech WIEWIÓROWSKI, the
European Data Protection Supervisor. During the meeting, there will also be exchanges
of views with Europol’s Data Protection Officer and Fundamental Rights Officer.
The draft agenda also includes two scrutiny sessions: the first on
the need to prevent
security threats like the Solingen attack through addressing illegal migration
and the
second on
the fight against cybercrime, in particular crimes using Artificial Intelligence;
possibilities of knowledge sharing involving CEPOL.
Oral questions to Europol
According to Article 4.2 of the JPSG Rules of Procedure, we kindly draw your attention
to the right to address oral questions to Europol. Please find attached the Guide for
Members on JPSG Written and Oral questions, explaining the procedure for submitting
In order for Europol to prepare replies in time for the meeting, members/delegations
wishing to submit oral questions are kindly requested to send them to the JPSG Co-Chairs
Tuesday 29 October at the latest.
Europol's multiannual programming document 2025-2027
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 46: Program og invitation til 15. møde i den parlamentariske følgegruppe vedr. Europol (JPSG)
Pursuant to Article 51 paragraph 2 point c) of the Europol Regulation, the JPSG is
consulted on Europol's multiannual programming document 2025-2027. Please find
attached the draft document for consultation. If they wish to do so, delegations are invited
to send to the JPSG Secretariat written comments to the document ahead of the meeting
Tuesday 29 October 2024.
The Executive Director of Europol will be asked to react
to the received written comments during her intervention.
Appointment of the members of the JPSG Consultative Forum on Fundamental
In accordance with the revised Rules of Procedure, on 24 June 2024 the JPSG launched
a call for expression of interest from individuals and relevant EU and national agencies
and bodies, international and intergovernmental organisations, academia and civil society
organisations to become members of JPSG Consultative Forum from 1 December 2024
to the end of the term of the 10th European Parliament in July 2029.
The deadline for submitting expressions of interest and sending the supporting documents
was 2 September 2024 (midday, 12:00h of Brussels local time).
The list of applicants and the list of Consultative Forum members is publicly available
on the JPSG pages on the IPEX (InterParliamentary EU information eXchange) website.
Acting on a proposal of the Presidential Troika, and taking into account the broad range
of disciplines, knowledge and expertise, gender balance and, insofar as possible,
geographical distribution, the JPSG will appoint up to 11 individuals or organisations as
members of the Consultative Forum.
General aspects
We would like to recall that your Parliament/Chamber can be represented by up to four
members in the JPSG (in the case of bicameral parliaments each Chamber with up to two
members each). Members and their delegations will be asked to register for the meeting.
According to Article 4.3 of the JSPG Rules of Procedure, the working languages of the
JPSG are English and French, therefore we would like to ask the delegations to submit
all written contributions in one of these two languages. Please send them to the JPSG
[email protected]
and the Hungarian National
[email protected].
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 46: Program og invitation til 15. møde i den parlamentariske følgegruppe vedr. Europol (JPSG)
All documents submitted by Europol for the meeting in line with Article 51.3 of the
Europol Regulation, as well as all contributions by the delegations to the JPSG and other
relevant documents will be published on the
IPEX JPSG website
and the
website of the
parliamentary dimension of the Hungarian presidency
ahead of the meeting and
distributed to delegations by email.
Further information and additional documents will be forwarded in due course to your
Parliament's services.
Yours sincerely,
Co-Chair of the JPSG and Chair of
the Committee on Civil Liberties,
Justice and Home Affairs, European
Mr. Lajos KÓSA
Co-Chair of the JPSG and Chair of the
Committee on Defence and Law
Co-Chair of the JPSG and Chair of the
Committee on Justice, Hungarian
National Assembly
Annex 1:
Draft agenda of the 15th meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group
(JPSG) on the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol)
Annex 2:
Guide for Members on JPSG Written and Oral Questions
Annex 3:
Europol's draft multiannual programming document 2025-2027