Europaudvalget 2024-25
EUU Alm.del Bilag 78
Denmark’s priorities for the transport sector
In the upcoming years, the EU needs to strengthen its competitiveness, develop its own
capacities, and become more robust and resilient. The European transport sector is
imperative for reaching the aim of increased strategic autonomy and security of supply of
the EU. Furthermore, an ambitious green transition is a prerequisite to making the EU better
positioned in strategic competition with increased energy security as well as better growth
opportunities for the EU’s industry.
As one of the fundamental pillars of the European Single Market, enabling the free
movement of people, goods, and services, the European transport sector is essential for
strengthening the EU’s
and reaching its ambitious climate targets
With respect to several modes of transport, the EU is a regional stronghold in a global
setting. The EU should adopt strategies to ensure the competitive edge of the transport
sector both short-term and long-term. This non-paper may be supplemented by further non-
papers elaborating Danish priorities with respect to some specific modes of transport.
From a Danish perspective, there are two crosscutting points that the Commission should
prioritise in the coming years to ensure a strong, competitive, green and resilient transport
1) efficient implementation
2) decarbonising each and all transport modes.
Efficient implementation of legislation adopted during the current
mandate period is significant for a well-functioning and competitive
transport sector
With the adoption of the many files regulating
the transport sector during the current mandate
period 2019-2024, the time has now come to
focus on implementation. The emphasis on
implementation is also highlighted in both the
Letta report and the Draghi report.
Efficient implementation is not only important to
ensure that policy objectives are achieved. It is
also necessary to minimise the cost of EU
legislation for national authorities and the
industry which could otherwise have negative
knock-on effects for the functioning and
competitiveness of the transport sector. We
furthermore urge the Commission to take into
consideration that the complexity and volume of
EU regulation already pose challenges for
actors in the transport sector. This is particularly
evident in the railway sector where complicated
rules and procedures inhibit new players from
entering the market. A profoundly high level of
competence and sector knowledge is required
from new entrants. This is a significant market
barrier that effectively blocks healthy
Without the necessary focus on effective
implementation, including on the costs of Union
Regarding Denmark’s main priorities for a 2040 climate target and climate architecture we refer to the non-paper:
Denmark’s position
paper on an ambitious EU 2040 climate target and a cost-effective EU climate architecture.
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 78: Non-paper om danske prioriteter på transportområdet (engelsk)
legislation for both national authorities and the
industry, the functioning and competitiveness of
the transport sector will be negatively affected.
To ensure a timely transition, we must focus on decarbonising each and
all transport modes
The need for ambitious climate action, including
in the transport sector, has never been more
evident. Denmark supports a 2040-climate
target of at least 90 pct. reduction of CO
equivalents compared to 1990 levels. To reach
this target we must decarbonise all transport
modes. Focus should in particular be on
decarbonise hard-to-abate transport sectors.
A timely transition cannot be reached by
focusing only on modal shift, e.g. from road to
rail, as it is rarely the most CO
efficient method
Emissions (g CO
) per km, per person for
different transport modes
emissions from passenger transport vary
greatly. Below is a calculation of CO
per kilometer, per person for different transport
modes in Denmark. When comparing CO
emissions from electrified cars and trains, there is
little difference. Specifically, in cases where the
train capacity is not used, e.g. because of low
population density, trains are not CO
Average diesel or gasoline vehicle
Average battery electric vehicle
Intercity train (diesel)
Regional train (diesel)
Regional train (electric)
Plane (jet engine)
The transition of road transport to zero emission
technologies is thus crucial as road transport
accounts for the largest part of greenhouse gas
emissions from the transport sector. This should
largely be solved by the transition to zero-
emission vehicles. In Denmark, the contribution
to the transition from a modal shift will be limited.
It is therefore of pivotal importance that proper
attention be given to how further CEF funds
could be allocated to facilitate the green
transition of road transport
particularly the road
haulage sector.
Following the technological developments, a
timely transition calls for a focus on long term
as opposed to transitional
technologies that are neither scalable nor can
provide near full decarbonisation.
Denmark underlines the importance of the Fit-
for-55 transport files, including the 100 percent
reduction target for new cars and vans in
2035. Denmark regards the Emissions Trading
Scheme (ETS), the CO
-emission standards for
new light and heavy-duty vehicles and the
Renewable Energy Directive as key drivers to
reach the
climate goals These files have
revision clauses which allow for adjustment of
policy measures to ensure that they will deliver
the necessary reductions.
The on-going revision of the Weights and
Dimensions Directive will also support the
transition by compensating the added weight
from zero-emission technologies and creating a
bonus in terms of increased loading capacity on
Source: Danish Ministry of Transport. Calculation based on
transport unit prices and data from the Danish State Railway,
Copenhagen Airport, Danish Road Directorate and the Danish TSO
and often not feasible at all. Modal shift should
in general only be pursued when it represents a
better socio-economic alternative to an
equivalent unimodal road transport.
EUU, Alm.del - 2024-25 - Bilag 78: Non-paper om danske prioriteter på transportområdet (engelsk)
Another key element for the transition is
efficiency. The revision of the Weights and
Dimensions Directive is also essential in this
regard, as optimising the amount of freight
moved per unit will benefit both the climate,
environment and businesses.
By focusing on efficient implementation and
decarbonising each transport mode in the
coming years it will be possible to unlock the
potential of the transport sector, which will
strengthen the EU internally,
keep the EU’s
industry competitive and ensure that the
climate goals are reached.