Rådsmøde RIA 12-13/12-24
Bilag 2
KOM (2023) 0755
Bilag 3
Rådsmøde RIA 4-5/3-24
Bilag 1
Spørgsmål 1
E 20
E 15
Bilag 5
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing: EU policies – Insights: Understanding EU action against migrant smuggling (december 2023)
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing om forslaget: Implementing Appraisal: Revision of the anti-smuggling package
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) briefing om forslaget:EU Legislation in Progress: Preventing and countering the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and stay in the EU
Læs også EPRS' (European Parliamentary Research Service) digre rapport:Study: Commission proposal for a revised Facilitation Directive: Targeted substitute impact assessment (Marts 2025)
EUU alm. del
Bilag 211
Bilag 212
Bilag 126
Bilag 61
Bilag 62
Svar på KOM (2023) 0755
Bilag 4
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Bilag 364
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