Statement of estimates of the European Commission for the financial year 2016 (Preparation of the 2016 Draft Budget)

Statement of estimates of the European Commission for the financial year 2016 (Preparation of the 2016 Draft Budget)

SEK (2015) 0240, bilag 3

Henvendelse af 3/9-15 fra Globalt Fokus vedr. EU's budget for 2016
Emne: budgetter, økonomi og finans


Dokumentdato: 03-09-2015
Modtaget: 03-09-2015
Omdelt: 03-09-2015

Henvendelse af 3/9-15 fra Globalt Fokus vedr. EU's budget for 2016

Henvendelse af 3/9-15 fra Globalt Fokus vedr. EU's budget for 2016 (pdf-version)