Det Europæiske Råd 18-19/2-16

Det Europæiske Råd den 18.-19. februar 2016

Det Europæiske Råd 18-19/2-16, bilag 3

Brev fra formanden for Det Europæiske Råd og udkast til den pakke, som skal danne grundlag for en aftale om genforhandlingen af Storbritanniens forhold til EU
Emne: Det Europæiske Råd, afstemninger


Dokumentdato: 04-02-2016
Modtaget: 04-02-2016
Omdelt: 04-02-2016

Brev fra formanden for Det Europæiske Råd og udkast til den pakke, som skal danne grundlag for en aftale om genforhandlingen af Storbritanniens forhold til EU

Udenrigsministeriets følgeskrivelse (pdf-version)
Brev fra formanden for Det Europæiske Råd (pdf-version)
Draft Decision of the Heads of State or Government, meeting within the European Council, concerning a New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union (pdf-version)
Draft Statement on Section A of the Decision of the Heads of State or Government, meeting within the European Council, concerning a New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union (pdf-version)
Draft European Council Declaration on competitiveness (pdf-version)
Draft declaration of the European Commission on a subsidiarity implementation mechanism and a burden reduction implementation mechanism (pdf-version)
Draft declaration of the European Commission on issues related to the abuse of the right of free movement of persons (pdf-version)
Draft declaration of the European Commission on the Safeguard Mechanism referred to in paragraph 2(b) of Section D of the Decision of the Heads of State or Government, meeting within the European Council, concerning a new settlement for the United Kingdo (pdf-version)